29|Finally Home

789 17 0

Charles Leclerc

Me and Aria had decided to go back to Monaco till the next race weekend so the next day we had booked a flight and come back. We had now been here for a day and I had to go to training and a few appointments. 

"Hey love I'm going to head out I have training but I'll be back in two hours" I yell while putting my shoes on and grabbing my keys. "Ok be safe I love you" She yells from the bedroom. "I will love you too" I say then walk out the door. 

I get in my car but before going to the gym I needed to make a little pit stop at the local hardware store. I enter the store and speak with a middle aged man. "Hi I needed to make on extra copy of a key quickly" I say pull key out. He nods and guides me to a machine that will make it for me quickly. I thank him and try to figure out how to use this machine. 

I eventually figure it out and make another copy then go to the general store which was only a few store down. I browse through the isles searching for the gift section. 

In there I find a little box small enough to fit the key and pay for it and leave. I finally leave to the gym happy that I got this done and that I was doing it. 

I knew that Aria didn't really have anywhere to call home because of her ex so I thought that she could come officially live with me. We have basically been living together so I think she will say yes but I wanted to make it official. 

I was planning on taking her to a dinner on the water with the boat and then asking her so I needed to get that down as well. I get to the gym and meet my trainer who then rushes me to go start my workout. 

Time skip 

I get back home and it looks a lot cleaner. Aria is sitting on the couch watching some tv show with a bowl of food in her hand. "Hey baby I made extra food for you, its on the stove if you want some" She says craning her neck to look behind her. 

I come up behind her and she looks up at me. I lean down and kiss her forehead before saying thank you to her. She had made pasta and cleaned up the entire house which helps a lot. I put some food in my plate and go and sit down next to her on the couch. "What are you watching" I say rubbing my hand up and down her leg. 

"Suits it's a lawyer show" She says not prying her eyes from the TV. She places her now empty bowl on the coffee table in front of us and then shifts her body to be nuzzled in my lap. We quietly watch the show and then I decide to ask her. 

"Do you feel like going out tonight" I fix my eyes onto her. "Sure what were you thinking" She asks looking up at me. "How about I take you to a private dinner tonight". 

"Are you asking me out on a date" she teases me. "Yes I believe that it what I'm doing" I answer swiftly. She laughs and answers "Yes I think I would like that".

"Alright then what would you like to eat tonight for your dinner" I ask. "Hm I think I want some sushi tonight what about you?" She asks me. 

"I think that sushi sounds perfect tonight" I say. We return to watching the show before Aria gets up saying that she was going to start getting ready. I order the food before hand and make sure that it is ready in time for me to pick it up. I get up and go get ready myself. I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower before shaving because my facial hair had grown longer. I went through all my options for tonight and decided to wear a white button up with some black slacks along with a belt. 

I put a little bit of gel in my hair and open the top buttons of my shirt and roll up the sleeves because it was a little warm today. I made sure that I had the box went to go put my shoes on and wait for Aria. 

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