22| Concert

864 17 0

Charles Leclerc

A few weeks ago I had seen tickets to a Coldplay concert. I knew that Aria and I would both love it because we both love them so I secretly booked us private tickets to see them. Since we still didn't want any of the public to know I books the private boxes just for us. 

The concert is tomorrow and I wanted to surprise her with the tickets. We had been out all day shopping which gave me the perfect opportunity to get a gift box and some flowers. I hide them in the truck before Aria came back with all her bags. 

"Hi" She said all happy from all the shopping she had done. She leaned up and kissed my cheek before I took the bag from her and told her to go sit in the car. She listens and I put all the stuff away before entering the car myself. 

We make it back to the hotel and rush in so no cameras would see us. We make our way up to the hotel room and jump on the bed. I put the box and flowers in a different bag so she would not realize. 

We both sat together looking though our phones. "Aww" I heard Aria groan sadly. "What's wrong mon amour?" I dropping my phone to turn my attention to her. "Nothing it just Coldplay is coming here tomorrow and all the seats are fully sold out so we can't go" She says placing down her phone. A sad expression crosses her face and she looks over at me. My chest ached looking at her sad so I knew there was no better time then now to show her. 

"Give me one minute baby" I say before going to find the bag. I hid behind the wall so she couldn't see what I was doing. I hid both the flowers and the box behind my back. I came back trying to hide the smile on my face. She raised her brow confused and walk beside her careful to make sure she couldn't see what was behind me. 

"Charles what are you hiding" She asks confused. I pull both the flowers and the box from behind my back and hold them out in front of her. Her face instantly lit up "Charles what is this you didn't have to do this" she says admiring the flowers. "Open the box" I say smiling. She looks at me then unties the ribbon on the box.

She opens it to reveal the tickets to the show. Her eyes widen and her smile grows even wider. "Charles Thank you some much you don't know how much this mean to me" She says jumping up to hug me. I spin her around while hugging her before placing her back onto the floor. She places her hands on my cheeks and kisses me with a smile. 

"Not only that but we have our own private suite just for the two of us" I say. She kisses me again and says thank you. 

We call it a night from there and go to sleep after because it was getting late. 

Time skip

The concert was starting at six so we had to get out early in order to get there on time. Aria was finishing her makeup in the mirror while I sat and waited patiently for her to finish. "How do I look?" She ask doing a little 360 for me. "You look so beautiful mon ange" I says grabbing her waist and pulling her closer. I peck her lips and look down to my watch and see that we should go. 

I grab the tickets and a few other things before we head out. I we get to the lobby and get to the car. The entire way there we were blasting Coldplay so we knew every song. I get to the stadium and it's packed to the brim. 

I grab Aria's hand to make sure I don't lose her in the crowd. I lead her through the busy crowd to the VIP section. I show them out tickets and do a few other things before we are let through and escorted to out suite.

The suite had a small bar area along with a call button. There was also a couch and an open area to stand along with a TV. But best of all was the view. You could see the whole stage from up here and the sound was amazing. 

Aria looks around and sits herself on the couch. "This is about to be the best concert I've ever been to" She says. She gets up suddenly and leans over the railing to see further into the crowd. The stadium was already full and people were still shuffling in. After a bit the bad walks out and everything was getting started. Everyone was screaming and yelling and cheering including Aria and myself.

We were both jumping and singing along with the music. After that we both sat down to sit back and just enjoy the songs. 

Lots of different lights started to appear and Aria runs over to the railing to listen to the music. I wrap my arms around her and we sway to the music. I take out my phone and we both take lots of pictures together. I lean over and take a few single shots of Aria because she looked so genuinely happy. 

Soon after the song 'Sparks' started playing and I had an idea. I offer my hand to my girlfriend fro a dance and she gladly accepts. We slow dance to the song the just hold each other. We were silent before I look up and sing "My heart is yours, it's you that I hold on to, yeah that's what I'll do" I say staring at her eyes. She just smile up at me. My heart flutters and suddenly without think it slips out. 

"I love you Aria I love you so much it's not even funny." I say breathlessly. Her breath catches and her eyes well with tears. Happy tears of course. "I love you Charles. You are the best person in my life and I love you for that" She says smiling while the song fades in the back. 

My heart felt so much joy in that moment. I grab her chin in between my fingers and place a loving kiss on her lips. She kisses me back and we stay in that moment for a bit. We pull apart "You don't know how ling I've waited to say that to you" I say softly and she just smiles with love in her eyes.  

We enjoy the rest of the concert and leave when it comes to the end. The drive back to the hotel was quiet and we reach there in no time. It was around 1 am so we had to be quiet while going up. 

We reach the hotel room and Aria goes to wash her face and I change. We both lay in each others arms. I look her in her eyes and repeat. "I love you" I say "I love you" she says. I smile and peck her lips and we both drift to sleep. 

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