426. Surprising Appearance

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The Acnologia here is way stronger than the one he fought before. But it only makes him more excited because it means even he hasn't reached his limit yet. If Acnologia could grow this much, then he should be able to grow even further.

Ben removes the space barrier and gets closer to the Dragons. Now, they can finally see who has just attacked them and it obviously surprises them, especially Acnologia. He still remembers Ben's face very clearly, after all.

"You! You are alive?!"

"Aww, it seems you missed me, Acnologia-chan. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner."

Ben grins while teasing Acnologia who looks shocked. He looks at the Dragon Kings and realizes that he doesn't recognize any of them. All of them are unfamiliar Dragons, but he can clearly feel their massive amount of magic power.

"What did you do? I remember clearly that I've greatly injured you. There was no way you could survive those injuries. And you actually have your limbs intact."

"Maybe you should really check if I was dead for sure. As for limbs, I can always make them anytime."

Ben creates 2 more arms on each side using his Arc of Embodiment. In this timeline, Ben has lost both his arms and half of his stomach in the last battle against Acnologia that took his life. But he managed to escape in the last second even though he died because of his injuries in the end.

This timeline Ben knows he couldn't die in front of Acnologia. If Acnologia got his dead body, then the Black Dragon could grow much more powerful by eating it. That's why he has prepared an escape spell that would be triggered when he was on the verge of dying.

Even so, Acnologia managed to grow this much even without consuming this timeline Ben's body that already got destroyed by his own spell to avoid it being misused. Although it's quite regrettable that the body has been destroyed.

When Wendy told it to Ben sometime after crossing timelines, he feels that it was quite regrettable. He knows it's a good decision though because it reduced the risk for his surviving family members and friends.

'His body has been turned into pure ethernano by a spell. If only we still have his body, then I could turn it into 3 Lacrimas. A Sun Devil Lacrima, A Sun Dragon Lacrima, and A Sun God Lacrima. I could give those to Ariel & Gabriel or use those to increase the Dragon Annihilation spell. But well, it might be the best choice that he has at that time because even his dead body will attract problems for the others.'


"No, that doesn't look like regeneration. Besides, there is no magic that can regenerate body parts. Even healing magic had almost been lost in our past era."

"Then, illusions? Or artificial limbs?"

The Dragon Kings comment on it while looking at Ben warily. They know how dangerous he was and he has gotten even more dangerous now. He has become much more powerful to the point where he can kill almost all of their troops with one attack.

"What was that attack just now? How could it be so powerful?"

"I don't know, but I don't think he can use it again."

"Yeah, it must be an attack he prepared specifically to reduce our number. Irene, do you know what he did?"

"He was using Dragon Lacrimas to create that massive explosion. The explosion of Dragon Lacrimas is the same as a Dragon Slayer Magic attack. That's why it was very effective against us Dragons. However, he must've added something because even if he has a few hundred of those, their explosion shouldn't be powerful enough to kill more than 1,500 dragons instantly."

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