429. Real Dragon Slayers

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Wendy fights Irene by herself after ordering the others to stay back. They follow her order, but they are ready to move anytime to help her. For now, they use this chance to recover after getting damaged quite greatly.

Without the others around her, Wendy has more room to attack Irene. She can move more freely, but surely the damage dealt to Irene is lower now without their help. Also, the others helped her create openings to attack, while now she needs to make it herself.

But it's necessary to fight Irene herself until she figures out how to counter her abilities. Irene's enchantment magic is much more worrying than her Sage Dragon Slayer Magic. It has more function and they don't have enough information nor experience facing it.

They have fought and killed many Dragons, so they are used to deal with Dragon Magic. On the other hand, only Wendy is familiar with enchantment magic in this team. Even in the whole Dragon Hunter group, only she, Ben, and Elefseria have knowledge of enchantment magic, so it's more troublesome to face.

That's why she wants the others to observe Irene first and learn about her abilities. Meanwhile, she will keep fighting Irene in her Dragon Force form while Irene is using her human form. Wendy is a very fierce and powerful fighter, but Irene can keep up with her.

Irene attacks Wendy using a massive enchanted explosion. The Dragon Hunters jump back to avoid the explosion while Wendy is engulfed by it. But Wendy doesn't get hurt because she creates a rotating wind ball to cover herself.

After the explosion stop, Wendy's rotating wind ball releases a lot of sharp wind blades. They fly everywhere, but then they move toward Irene from different directions. Irene counters them using smaller explosions to destroy the wind blades.

While Irene counters the wind blades, Wendy flies at a very high speed toward her. She arrives in a second and then attacks Irene with her claws. Wendy engages Irene in close combat. Now that she has closed the distance, Irene can only fight her like this.

Irene is an enchantress, so Wendy chose to fight her at close range. It's because enchantment magic usually needs a longer preparation time. Although Irene can actually cast them very fast at her level. But Wendy still prefers close combat because she can predict Irene's movements & attacks better if she is closer.

As she thought, she can predict Irene's attacks better at this distance. But it doesn't mean her battle becomes easy at all. Irene is a powerful enchantress, so she can obviously enchant and make herself very powerful. Wendy has better close combat skills, but Irene matches her using power.

Their battle is very fierce and the Dragon Hunters can't see any chance to get involved. They are very surprised by this show of power, especially those from Alakitasia. They know how powerful Irene is, but Wendy, a young girl is standing equally to the Scarlet of Despair.

Meanwhile, Elefseria is having a hard time against his opponent. The Dragon he fights has the power of gravity. It's a very troublesome power to face, especially when it's owned by a Dragon of this level.

This Gravity Dragon is much more proficient with Gravity Magic than Ben. That's obvious because, unlike Ben, he focuses his power on gravity. Elefseria can't even stand when the Dragon increases the gravity around him.

But Elefseria is a very seasoned Mage with hundreds of years of experience. He can still attack the Gravity Dragon using his Law Dragon Slayer Magic. His magic is powerful enough to break the Dragon's Gravity Magic and even push back the Gravity Dragon.

They attack each other with their Dragon Roars and they seem to be equal. Both of them are using high-level spells to attack each other destroying everything around them. Their Gravity and Law Magic are high-level magic, so the clash of these 2 will surely cause great destruction.

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