Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I receive a call from the receptionist.


"Miss Jali,you have a visitor. Shall I send him in?" A visitor?

"I'm coming." I hang up and stand up and head to the reception. You all won't believe who's here?

"Hey,you." I grin at him.

"Hi, Afeziwe." He's being his moody self but who cares.

"Let's go to my office." He follows after me.

"What brings you to my workplace? Do you want a blowjob?" I sit down on my chair and he sit at the chair in front of my desk.

"I'm here to bring the flash drive."

"Why couldn't Liyema bring it? He's the fun brother."

"He's busy." He places the flash drive on the table. I pick it up.

"Make sure my brother doesn't go to jail,Jali. He was never involved in this. He just helped his friend and I picked the money just because I wanted to."

"Don't worry, assholé. Your brother is definitely not going to jail." I place the flash drive inside my handbag.

"What did I say about this nicknames of yours? I despise them."

"I didn't know that,díck." I love pissing him off. He's just so fun because he gets offended easily.

He stand up and comes to me. He turns the chair around so that I can face him.

"Why are you this annoying?" He cocks his eyebrow.

"And why do you care?" He closes his eyes for a little bit and then opens them.

"Have you ever been fúcked Afeziwe?" The way he calls my name makes me clench my thighs.

"That's none of your business."

"Actually it is because you look like you're sex deprived." He's staring at me like staring at me and I feel so flushed.

"Get out of my office. I have things to do." I turn around my chair and he let go of it.

"With pleasure." He says while he's leaning on my neck. His breath gives me goosebumps.

"Just leave." He stand up straight and chuckles before he leaves. I let out a breath. What is Lubanzi Dalindyebo doing to me?

"…and I couldn't believe it." Ambesiwe mumbles.

"Afe! You're not listening." She complains.

"I'm sorry. My mind is all over the place." She sit next to me.

"Is it about Lubanzi because you definitely like him." She wiggles her eyebrows and she's annoying as fúck.

"I don't."

"Even if you argue. Your sexual tension is so…obvious. Last night when they dropped us,he was eye fúckin you." She grins.

"Well that's all he can ever do."

"Are you sure about that because he's definitely your type,Afe. He brings out the best in you."

"Since when are you his spokesperson?" She rolls her eyes. Kaya walks in glued to her phone. Amber stand up and snatches it from her and start going through it.

"Ambesiwe!" Kaya yells.

"Senzo Mthombeni? The minister's son? Hmm."

"Amber stop going through my chats!" Kaya chases her but Ambesiwe ‘Annoying’ Jali is set on infuriating Kaya.

"This is so cute!" Amber squeals.

"Okay, Kaya. I'll give you your phone but you have to tell me about Senzo. Where did you meet? Are you dating? Do you like him?"

"I'm not saying anything." Kaya folds her arms.

"Well then say bye-bye to your phone."

"Fine." Kaya sit down and Amber continue standing a few distance away from her.

"He's this jerk I met last night at the gala. He was so annoying and I had to give him my number and now he won't stop texting." Kaya says.

"Does he attend the same school as you?" Amber ask and Kaya nods.

"But he's in matric and we never even talked. He's always surrounded by a bunch of idiots."

"He's handsome."

"Now give me my phone." Amber throw her the phone and she head to the kitchen.

"Our little sister is starting to date." Amber is so excited about this. Knowing Kaya,if she ever date then she'll boss around the poor boy. I feel sorry for him because my sister is not your typical girlfriend.

My phone rings and I immediately picks it up and answer. I smile.


"Hey,Fefe. I have bad news. Mom is missing." My heart missed a beat for a moment. I stand up.

"What? Where is she Jongikhaya? She's a mentally ill person. You're supposed to look after her."

"Calm down, Feziwe. I also don't know. The nurse that look after her just excused herself for a moment and she was gone." This can't happen.

"We are coming." I hang up.

"What's going on? Where's mom?" My sensitive sister is already crying without hearing what happened.

"Mom is missing. We need to go home. Kaya?" I calls her out from the kitchen.

"What?" She yells.

"Mom is missing. We need to go home and help JoJo find her." She nods and goes to her bedroom. I don't even change. I pick up my car keys and house keys from the table and head to the garage.

My sisters gets in and I start driving out. Ambesiwe locks the gate and I take the thirty minutes drive to home.

The house that we live in,Amber and I are renting it. Jongikhaya suggested that we search for a place so that Kaya can stay in because it won't be good for her mental health. It's certainly traumatizing watching the important person in your life wanting nothing to do with you. We accepted it but Kaya is a child.

After thirty minutes of being anxious we finally reach our home. There are already people in the yard. Even a police van.

I knock on the door and upon seeing us,my brother comes to the door and hugs the three of us.

"Where's mom?" Amber ask and Jongikhaya shakes his head.

"She's nowhere to be found." He said sadly.

Kaya walks inside one of the rooms and closes it.

"I can take my car and start searching for her." I suggest.

"I think that may help. You know the streets here." My brother says and I nod. I leave him with weeping Amber and head to my car.

I drive out.

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