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The Strawhats did not know what to expect on a voyage but this was not one of them.


"Ah! An angel has appeared before my eyes!" Sanji said with a heart in his eye.

"Eh?" Yukiko thought as the blonde approached her.

But Pachi and Lunala stood in front of her to keep him away.

"Pach!" "Luluna!"

"Get get away from my-!" Sanji was about to kick them but Yukiko interfered.

"You dare to harm my friends I won't hesitate to drop kick you myself!" Yukiko yelled.

"Friends?" Luffy asked.

"Yeah, Pachi and Lunala are my friends. And I care about them." She frowned.

"Ah sorry my sweet, I won't raise a finger on them. But may I know your name?" Sanji swooned.

"Ah, shouldn't you introduce yourselves first?" Yukiko asked.

"Oh, I apologize again. I am Sanji, my dearest."

"Zoro." The green haired man replied.

"I'm Nami." The redhead responded.

"I'm Usopp, the captain of this proud vessel and leader of 1,000-" the long nosed man said before being whacked on the head.

"I'm the captain, not you! I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and the man who is going to be the King of the Pirates!" Luffy declared boldly.

"Pirates? Well we definitely entered another dimension. Oh I'm Nozomusachi Yukiko. A Pokemon trainer. And this is Pachi and Lunala." She said.

"A Pokémon trainer?" Nami asked.

"A person who catches, trains, cares for, and battles with Pokémon. Short for Pocket Monsters, they have several fantastic powers such as the manipulation of elements/aspects of life, such as electricity or fire.

There are many that do not resemble animals at all, taking on other forms such as plants, inanimate objects, machines, human-like forms, or other more enigmatic and exotic appearances. Pokémon inhabit an extremely diverse range of habitats, ranging from the driest deserts to the lushest jungles, the deepest oceans to the highest mountains and everything else in between, even outer space and other dimensions. Pokémon take up various ways of living in those places.

However, all can be befriended and made into potential allies and share the ability to shrink down small enough to fit into a Poké Ball." Yukiko showed a Poke Ball and through it in the air. "Come out Blaise!"

And her Charizard appeared.

While the crew had various expressions of shock or fright, Luffy had stars in his eyes.

"Wow! You have a dragon!?"

"Bzzt! Yukiko, what is going on?! I can't find a signal!" A voice came from her bag.

"Oh right, I forgot. I'll get you out Sparks." Yukiko opened up her bag and her Rotomdex appeared.

"Whoa! And what's that?!" Luffy said in excitement.

"Oh hello! BZZT. I'm Sparks the Rotomdex. A Pokédex that is enhanced after being possessed by a Rotom." He greeted.

"Well, I suppose this is a good time to explain more. Sparks can provide more information than me. Sparks, show a video of Kukui as he greets new trainers." Yukiko asked.

"Rightyo! BZZT!" Sparks said as he showed a video.

"Hello, I'm Professor Kukui of the Alola Region. And this is the World of Pokémon! We live alongside Pokémon as companions, pets and and partners in our journey into the world. And those like myself study Pokémon to understand our bonds with them as well as their origins." The video continues. "My other job is to give new trainers in Alola their starter Pokémon to help them on their journey. Many Trainers leave home, sometimes accompanied with a starter Pokémon obtained from a Pokémon Professor, to travel around one or more regions, doing such things as gathering information for a Pokédex, perfecting their technique, collecting Gym Badges, and working to become a Pokémon Master. No matter what their specialties or aims, there is one code that they all follow—when two Trainers make eye contact, they must have a battle." The video ended.

"Wow! And you're one of these trainers?" Nami asked.

"Yeah, Pokemon battles are more of a test of skill and strategy against an opponent. Never one to the death thankfully. They are a way for Pokémon Trainers to test their skills against each other and to see who has the strongest Pokémon. I happened to be one of the best." Yukiko smiled.

"One of the best? You just became the Pokémon World Coronation Champion! Taking the title of Monarch! BZZT!" Sparks said.

"World Coronation Champion?" Usopp asked.

"Held every four years, trainers from around the world compete to determine the strongest Trainer in the world. I actually have the photo. Sparks?"

Sparks nodded and showed Yukiko with Pachi with Blaise, Amphitrite, Jacaranda, Arthur, and Thor. She was holding up a massive trophy with her Pokémon surrounding her.

"Wow, that's a large trophy! Wonder how much it's worth?" Usopp said then sees Nami with berries in her eyes.

"Must be worth millions, no billions even!"

"Ah right. Sparks, can you show data for yourself and the others?" Yukiko asked.

"Sure Bzzt!

Rotom the Plasma Pokémon
This bizarre Pokémon appears to be a will-o’-the-wisp powered by electricity. Be wary, as Rotom is both smart and mischievous.Its electricity-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief.
Research continues on this Pokémon, which could be the power source of a unique motor.

Lunala the Moone Pokémon
A Legendary Pokémon and a member of the Light Trio.

Known as the Beast That Calls the Moon, this Pokémon lives by taking in any and all light and converting it into its own energy.It steals the light from its surroundings and then becomes the full moon, showering its own light across the night sky.

Pachirisu the Elesquirel Pokémon

It stores its own fur balls that crackle with static electricity together with its favorite berries in tree hollows.It makes electricity with pouches in its cheeks and shoots charges from its tail. It lives atop trees.

Charizard the Flame Pokémon

It spits fire that is hot enough to melt boulders. It may cause forest fires by blowing flames.Its wings can carry this Pokémon close to an altitude of 4,600 feet. It blows out fire at very high temperatures. It is said that Charizard’s fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles. But it won't fight an opponent weaker than itself. As a result, not many people have a Charizard." Sparks finished.

"Impressive. " Zoro said as he heard of Blaise's data.

"I admit, you must be quite a trainer." Sanji said.

"Wow, and they all listen to you?  How many Pokémon do you have?" Nami asked.

"There are over 1000 species of Pokémon, but I roughly have 200 more or less." Yukiko smiled.

"What was your goal to be a trainer?" Usopp asked.

"I mostly became a trainer to explore the world and meet all those amazing Pokémon. I entered Pokémon Leagues and actually won all of them in the last 7 years. Though, with me winning the Coronation Series, I'm not sure now." Yukiko said.

"I've decided." Luffy suddenly said.


"Join my crew!"

Luffy is too impressed he now wants Yukiko in his crew.

Pokemon Trainer of the StrawhatsWhere stories live. Discover now