The Final Battle! Yukiko's Rage!

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Apis's awe soon turned to terror when she spotted her winged friend floating in one of the lagoon pools created by the trapped seawater when the land mass had risen from its watery depths he wasn't moving and that worried her. She didn't say anything to the others Apis just jumped down on to the shore and sprinted with everything she had towards that pool.

"-H-hey! Apis!" Sanji said shocked by her made dash.

"Apis!" Yukiko shouted running after Apis.

"-Why'd they all suddenly run off?" Wondered Usopp out loud.

"-Grandpa Ryu." Luffy told them, staring straight ahead at the fallen dragon.


"Grandpa Ryu is over there. . ."

"GRANDPA RYU!" Apis screamed about to charge right into the water and forgetting that she was a devil fruit user and therefore a hammer.
But Mewtwo was able to keep her from doing so.

"Stop it! Do you want to drown. Apis you can't swim." Yukiko words seemed to have sparked realisation into Apis's eyes and she deflated, going limp as Yukiko caught the younger girl in her arms.

She kept muttering Grandpa Ryu as she wailed into Tsuna's chest, "I broke my promise. I let grandpa Ryu down." She continued to wail.

"No you didn't. Before he died, he told me and Luffy he finally remembered why he had to get back."

Apis looked in confusion.

"The Dragon Nest actually serves two purposes, and its more than a nesting ground. The dragon formations are from dragons that have passed on. But something more amazing happens to them.........

The Millennial Dragons do not come here to get better, they come here to be reborn." She said surprising everyone but Luffy and her Pokémon.

"R-reborn?" Apis asked with her eyes wide. "Grandpa Ryu said that?"

Luffy and Pachi arrived at Yukiko's side with a smile and he spotted over on the other side of the lagoon. "Look over there. . ." Over at the other side of the lagoon was a fossilized dragon and near it's head was what looked like a stone. Suddenly cracks appeared over the stone but the stone was really a dragon egg the cracks got bigger and bigger and then a head popped out.

Apis gasped. "A baby Millennial Dragon?!" She said over the infants first cries. Hearing the newly hatched chicks cries four adult dragons swooped over to give it comfort and to welcome their new family member. One of the dragons nudged the hatchling after it had started to doze it opened its eyes and they locked with those of the astonished Apis.

Apis started to cry again but this time they weren't tears of sorrow but tears of relief. The baby dragon called to Apis and she nodded her head, "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"

Yukiko took her hand and the walked back up the hill where the others were waiting for them.

"You know, Yukiko is right Apis." Nami said, "This isn't just the Millennial Dragon graveyard. I think it's a place that connects to new life."

"-Thank you, everyone."

"-Eh?" They all said in reply to Apis.

"For brining grandpa Ryu back to the dragons nest. I realize it now too." Apis explained. "I realize what kind of place this is, and why Grandpa Ryu wanted to return so badly."

"That's right," Yukiko said nodding Luffy copying her, "he wouldn't have been able to be reborn again if he hadn't made it back to the nest-" She turned and looked around the island. "It's the same for the island there both connected, it reappears every 1000 of years so that the Millennial Dragons can also be reborn back in to the world. And then disappears once the dragons leave, until the next time it's needed."

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