Setting foot on Whiskey Peak

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At this point, Yukiko was understanding why Crocus warned them about the weather as it was snowing.

She was silently happy that she picked all her berries after they left Reverse Mountain.

Walking out with her Winter coat, she puffed a breath of air as she looked up at the sky.

Luffy and Usopp were playing in the snow, the two using the snow that blanketed the floor of the deck and had each made a snowman. . .?

Kind of.

As she passed the sleeping green haired swordsman, who was almost completely covered in snow she stopped and wrapped a thick woolly blanket over as much of his body as she could without waking him up before turning her attention back to Luffy.

"There! Its the man that fell from the sky. Mr Snow Barrel!"

Yukiko studied the snowman-correction Mr. Snow Barrel.

He had a big round body like a normal snowman, two wonky placed sticks for arms, it was the same for his black button eyes as well one was placed higher than the other. Its nose was really long, it could be a relative of Usopp's. The snowman had a big friendly smile, a green cape and a barrel on its head-maybe for his name....

"Its very cute." She smiled.
"Pachi." Pachi nodded.

"Ha. Ha. Haaa." Usopp laughed slowly.
"Cute. A brilliant way. Yukiko, to describe such a pathetic amateur level creation. . ."

"What!?" Luffy cried indignantly.

"Behold!" Usopp moved over dramatically to the side and revealed the sculpture of a pretty woman lounging on a rock with the sunset behind her. It was an impressive creation and very beautiful to look at.
"A sculpture inspired by my soulful artwork, The Snow Queen!"

"Its very beautiful, Usopp." Yukiko praised in amazement.

Luffy glanced at the whitette's happy expression and then over to Usopp's Snow Queen. Though this time it left a nasty feeling in his gut.

"Whoa! Nice!" Luffy agreed, "But can your lady do this?!" Luffy smacked the arm of his snowman sending it right through the head of the Snow Queen.

Yukiko sweatdropped and moved away, knowing what will happen.

Usopp blinked at his demolished statue, "What the hell are you doing?!" Usopp shouted furious he fly kicked right through Luffy"s snowman in retaliation.

"AHH! Mr Snow Barrel! How dare you. . .!"

Yukiko could hear the ding ding in her head like the sound of a bell at the beginning of a wrestling match, she watched them attack each other their weapons getting more and more silly as it escalated.

Yukiko found herself joining in the snowball fight as she laughed.

"AAAGH!" Nami exclaimed.

"What is it?" Yukiko asked.

"TURN the ship around 180 degrees, now!" Nami yelled.

"What?! Why?!" Usopp asked.

"Did you forget something?" Luffy asked.

"No! Somehow the ship got turned around! We're going back the way we came! And I only took my eyes off the log pose for a second!!" Nami panicked.

Yukiko went into action, as she got Rea, Achilles, and Bruno in to help.

From there, the ship went into chaos. Waves getting bigger, an Iceberg, fog. It looked like it wouldn't end.

Then it suddenly became as calm as a spring day, and everyone was sprawled out on the deck. Except for Zoro who was asleep the entire time. Then he suddenly woke up.

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