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Wiper led them through the White Sea, and began to explain about Skypiea and Sky Island, though he kept saying he would explain things to his people when they arrived.

There was a huge village with all kinds of tents, almost like Natives, Yukiko thought.

It had small tents and people - all with wings on their backs - and dressed in tribal clothing like Wiper.

And Luffy and Yukiko could tell Wyper was well-liked by the village.

Robin had the eye of a historian as she watched people go through their everyday lives, and Nami was taking note of the clouds and their ability to hold people and soil, not being soft like a normal cloud.

Wiper led them to a tent and pulled back the flap for them.

Luffy and Yukiko saw an old man sitting in the center of the floor. They all flowed in and sat before the man, and Wiper also took a place on the ground, but next to the old man. They sat in silence for a moment, before the old man spoke. "You're Blue Sea dwellers, I have to say I haven't seen people from that sea in a long time," the man said and huffed a laugh. "By which means did you come here?"

"We came by the Knock up Stream," Nami responded, a look of slight horror yet amazement coming to her face as she remembered it.

The old man laughed fully this time, coughing a bit at the end.

"I have never met someone willing to use that method in a longer time than the last time I saw someone from the Blue Sea. You all must be quite brave to have taken such a risky trip. It either kills you all, or you all live," the man commented.

"I knew there had to be another way, But you just had to make us take the most dangerous of them all!" Nami shouted and hit Luffy's head.

"Sorry." Luffy said.

"We all made it so there's no reason to be upset," Yukiko said petting Pachi.

"Well with the others ways to get here you definitely would have lost one or two members, no questions about it," Wiper responded.

Then, Luffy, Yukiko and Nami explained why they came to Skypiea.

"I see, so that's what happened on that end," the old man responded with a solenm look. "A Knock up Stream did bring the land up, and it brought the toll of war. The people who originally lived here, the Skypieans, saw our land as something to covet, and a war broke out. Their dials and knowledge of the clouds and sky gave them the advantage, and now their God resides on that land. Calgara, our mightiest warrior, fought hard to reach the bell so Norland could find his way to where they were, but never did."

"God?!" They all chorused together.

"That is what they call their leader, God Enel is in power at the moment, kicking the last God out of Upper Yard, the land of Vearth many years ago. Enel had decided that it is forbidden for anyone to set foot there.
Any who disobey face his Judgment, and die. He has the ability to know all, how, we are not sure. They call this power mantra, and one of our children has the ability as well. It allows him to know the placement of people, what they're talking about, and with his power he can strike down those who commit sacrilege against him, even from afar. His Lightning obliterating those who oppose him. But this land is safe, the clouds down in this area have the ability to block Enel's and his priest's mantra," The old man finished explaining.

'Lightning? If I am right, this Enel may have eaten a Devil Fruit.' Yukiko thought.

Then Pachi twitched as growled at the door.

"What is it girl?" Yukiko said.

Luffy tensed as well and followed them.

"Pachi said we have company." Chopper said.

This got Wyper to his feet.

Once they were outside....

"Moltres, scout!" Yukiko got the Fire Titan out. The large Flame Pokémon flew into the air and found two scouts in priest robes.

"Take them down with Sky Attack!"

Charging up, Moltres attacked them with a strong pecking and took down the priests.

"And who are these two?"

"They are priests from the Upper Yard. What are they doing here?" One Shandorian asked.

Then Yukiko heard a rumble and as a Lightning Strike was about to descend, Zapdos came out on his own and absorbed the impact.

"A Thunder Bird?!"

"Wait, The Fire Bird and the Thunder Bird look like....."

Another Lightning was coming when Articuno appeared as well using Ice Beam to counter.

"Whoa!" Luffy, Usopp and Chopper exclaimed with stars in their eyes.

"Those birds, could they.......?!" The priest said in amazement.

"That settles it. I'm gonna show this Enel who's really boss." Luffy said.

"Are you crazy?! This is God! We'll die!" Usopp cried out in a panic.

"We promised Cricket-san, remember? Besides I dont think he's a real god. This is just a title to gain power." Yukiko said.

"Yeah, let's go beat up this Enel!" Luffy yells.

" If that's the case, I'm willing to show you the way. If you come face to face with Enel, you need to be prepared." Wiper told them and Luffy agreed despite Usopp's and Nami's protests.

Enel was still on his throne when he let out a laugh.

"Hahaha! Finally, some real entertainment is approaching. About time. I was getting bored out of my mind.

So. My priests, shall we start a game?"
Plz comment!

And yes the Titan Birds will have a role to play in this arc.

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