Ghost Ship

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It had been a while since the Eevee egg hatched, and Varian had adapted well on the ship.

He especially got along with Chopper, Usopp and Luffy.

Luffy was probably the closest to him besides Chopper, who began seeing him as a little brother.

As they were playing on the swing, Sanji came up.

"Hey, if you guys have enough energy could you gather some octopus from the aquarium that we caught the other day?" He asked.


"Yeah, I wish to make some octopus dishes for dinner."

"Alright! Let's get em!" Luffy said as they headed for the ship.

Yukiko smiled as they did so.

Varian really liked being around Luffy and would latch onto him.

While they’re fooling around Zoro says something over the speaker. “Hey guys, I spotted something floating!”

Yukiko heard them pulling up a barrel and the chanting of “It’s treasure!” as Chopper, Usopp, and Luffy singed.

Nami sighs and explains it to them, “It’s not treasure. Its booze and food. It’s an offering to the sea god.”

“Yes. Some countries used this to summon a good voyage. Traditionally, people would pray before opening the barrel, drink its contents, and replace it before putting it back in the sea,” Robin says as she touches her chin, in thought.

"I understand that. We would do festivals devoted to certain Legendary Pokémon back home as well. And it's said if you see Ho-oh on the very first day of your journey it means you'll have an amazing adventure ahead of you." Yukiko said as she held Varian.

Franky gets excited. “Let’s open it!”

Luffy laughs, “Sorry Kamisama, we’re going to drink some booze!”

However, Yukiko had a funny feeling in her gut. As soon as Franky lifts the lid off of the sealed barrel, a bright light goes up into the sky.

"A flare?!” Yukiko ask.

Robin responds, “It seems like it.
It appears that we may have gave away our position and someone may be coming for us.”

“Ignore that thought! A storm coming in five minutes! Hurry to your positions!” Nami demands as she runs to get a better view of what will happen.

"Varian, get in my bag sweetie!" Yukiko said as she put Varian in a slingbag.

Although the crew got away from the storm, the sky became cloudy and the atmosphere has an eerie feeling to it.

As the others were telling Usopp about how we must be in the Florian Triangle since he wasn’t there when Kokoro told them about it.

They scare him by telling them everything she said with ghost ships and how no one makes it out of this sea.

Then Yukiko's eyes suddenly widen as she sees a small shadow in the mist turning rather large. It comes close to us, revealing to be a ghost ship catching the others’ attention.

Everyone is speechless. Especially, when they hear a voice sing, “Yo ho ho.”

The one singing that tune was a skeleton with an afro. Soon it passes only leaving the ship’s end to the crew.

Luffy was practically shining with excitement and wanted to get on the boat.

There was no stopping him so.......

Zoro sighs as he pulls a few sticks out of his pocket. “We need to draw sticks. The two who get the shortest go with Luffy to the ship,” Zoro states.

“WHAT? WHY?” Nami, Chopper, and Usopp scream in sync.

Zoro sighs but answers them, “Do you really want the ones who want to go to leave the ship? Besides, we can’t let him go by himself.”

Nami glances at who all is ready to go which is Luffy, Robin, Sanji, Franky, and Yukiko. Immediately her face pales and her voice shakes as she speaks, “No! No. We’ll draw. I’ll take my chances.”

Yukiko felt sorry for Sanji and Nami, who really didn't want to go, so she had her Gengar, Cheshire go with them to help.

If only she knew what would happen next.......

Yup Brook has finally arrived!

And yeah, Varian will be in this Arc too!

How should I have Oz react to Yukiko, since he has Luffy's shadow?

And how about Gecko Moria?

I have decided to bring in two certain Legendary Pokémon as well.

Take a guess!

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