Prelude to Water 7

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It was two days since the crew left Skypiea and since then it was smooth sailing as they kept their course.

Yukiko was relaxing with Luffy as they lounged on the deck just relaxing in each other's embrace looking through her scrapbook.

Luffy wanted to know more about her friends.

"And that's Misty, a strong Water Gym Leader. Though she's the youngest sister, she takes it more seriously than her sisters. And that's Erika, a Grass Gym Leader, she also owns a floral store. Those are the Kimono Sisters, they carry the tradition of the annual Golden Tower Festival and tell the story of the Two Towers. If we find a way back, I can show you the place."

"Hell yeah!"
In the ship

The crew was discussing about what to do with the gold.

"I want a big bronze statue!" Luffy said.

"No way, we need cannons! Ten of them!" Usopp says.

"Please buy me books!" Chopper said.

"Nami, I want to buy a fridge with a lock!" Sanji smiled.

"Um if I can say something, how about repairs for the Merry?" Yukiko said.

"Repairs?" Chopper said.

"Yeah, she's been taking a beating from many things, even falling from the sky, I don't know how much more Merry can endure. Usopp may be able to patch her up, but we may encounter something that could damage her badly." Yukiko said.

"Yukiko has a point. Merry was a gift from Kaya from my village. If we don't give her the proper fixing she needs we'll be in deep trouble next time." Usopp comments.

"Yeah........that's it! We need a shipwright!" Luffy said. "We'll still be sailing for a long time and who knows what could happen. Let's recruit a shipwright that can take care of the Merry!" Luffy agrees.


"Once in a blue moon, he does hit the nail on the head...." Sanji said.
Meanwhile at Navy Headquarters...
"Vice admiral! Admiral Aokiji isn't here! His bike is gone too!"

"Wha? Why won't he take his rank seriously?"

In the sea somewhere....
A man was riding his bicycle.....
On the ocean?

"Strawhat and Beast Master huh?" He said to himself.
The crew won't be encountering Aokiji as Yukiko can steer them on the right course and we need to get to the issue of the Merry soon.

Sorry that this chapter is short.

Oh and before I forget, should I have the Sunny also have a Captain/Queen's Quarters? And what should I put in it? I know I plan to give them a master bathroom, a mini kitchen so Yukiko can lift some stress off Sanji for Luffy's midnight appetite.
What bed should they have?
Should I give Pachi her own bed and play area?

Plz comment

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