Extra: Tamato Berry Victims!

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It's no lie that Yukiko has a variety of delicious berries in her garden.

Most are useful for food preparation. 

But there is one foodstuff that is strictly off limits except to Usopp. 

The dreaded Tamato Berry!

But in the course of the Strawhats voyage, this spicy berry had its share of a couple of victims. 


1st victim:

Monkey D Luffy

He is a simple boy that could eat practically anything, which is what the crew thought.

They were proven wrong when he was looking at Yukiko's garden and spotted the spiky fruit. 

He perked at seeing the strange fruit, taking a bite........in a matter of seconds, he was running around the deck with a mouth on fire. 

Yukiko, figuring he bit into a Tamato Berry, quickly got the coldest bottles of Miltank Milk, but it took 4 whole bottles for Luffy to cool down as he also sweated up a storm.

Thankfully, he learned not to eat it again. 


2nd victim:

Portgas D Ace

The Second Division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates is a human torch, so no one would think he could get burned by something.

......Until he found a Tamato Berry while on the Merry meeting up with Luffy's crew.

Thinking it was a cool looking fruit, he took a bite.......

Only for him to feel like he was on the surface of the Sun as his head became  fire!

Once again, Yukiko came geared with cooled milk.


3rd victim:

Monkey D Garp

As the hero of the Marines, Garp does not shy away from a challenge, not even away from his wife.

Though he would regret it when Rosetta learned of Yukiko's Tamato Berry or what the crew are calling the Hell Berry. 

She challenged Garp to swallow the thing whole, which he did.......

Only for him to spew a pillar of fire into the air and attempt to cool off by jumping into the sea. 

Rosetta laughed as the other Marines stared in shock. It's unbelievable! Something not even Garp can eat!


Why didn't I think of this before?

Anyone else want to see someone get burned by the Tamato Berry?

Plz comment!

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