Chapter 2 - He is Here

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The conditions of the small hotel are very poor, but now Zhangyang is not in the mood to worry about the environment. She was pushed to the corner by the lame man and tied to a stool. She seemed docile at the moment and did not anger the men in the room.

  Zhangyang lowered her head. She had only passed by the man in the corridor just now. There was a lame man following her closely, and she had no chance to say a word to him. But she gave the signal and didn't know if the other party could receive it.

  It was also at that glance that Zhangyang's attention did not fall on the man's face, but on the latter's armband.

  If she read it correctly, it said "Beijing Military Region".

  She was currently in Hubei, and she didn't know if the major with two stripes and one star on the shoulder insignia of the Beijing Military Region could understand her request for help.

  Ji Xingzhi's trip to western Hubei this time was to a village called Majiatou. Three years ago, one of his soldiers named Ma Shu died at the border during a joint operation with the anti-drug police. Ma Shu is not only an old man, but also the only seedling in the family. Once he died, only a blind widowed mother was left in the family. Over the years, Ji Xingzhi would come to Majiatou to visit the elderly whenever he had time during holidays.

  If it weren't for Ma Mu's unwillingness to leave her homeland and always felt that she was dragging Ji Xingzhi down, Ji Xingzhi would have taken him to the capital long ago.

  But the old man was stubborn, so Ji Xingzhi had no choice but to come to the west every year, traveling over the mountains and ridges to visit the horse mother.

  Majiatou is located in a remote area, and there are only mountain roads leading to the village. After Ji Xingzhi came out of Majiatou, it was already dark outside, so he found the only hotel in the town to stay. The light bulb in the room was broken. Ji Xingzhi didn't want to trouble the hotel owner and was going to go downstairs to see if he could change the light bulb. Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, he bumped into another traveler.

  The light in the corridor was dim, but it did not prevent Ji Xingzhi from seeing clearly the two people passing by him.

  In terms of looks alone, Zhangyang and the lame man really didn't look like people who would appear in the same room.

  Zhangyang's snow-covered skin was so white that it shone brightly. Her long, silky hair was rolled up at the back of her head, with a tassel hairpin hanging from her bun. Even though she looked a little messy in Ji Xingzhi's eyes just now, it didn't stop her from looking lazy and beautiful.

  But the lame man next to her was different. With his compact and mean facial features, his whole face looked a bit sinister.

  But this evil was nothing in Ji Xingzhi's eyes.

  After Ji Xingzhi heard the door to Zhangyang's room being closed, he went downstairs and asked the front desk clerk for a light bulb. The latter asked him if he wanted to help, but he declined with a smile.

  After going upstairs, Ji Xingzhi glanced at the room at the end of the corridor, and then used the key to open his room.

  Changing a lightbulb is a piece of cake for Ji Xingzhi.

  He changed it in twos and twos, and not long after, he heard another set of footsteps in the corridor.

  Ji Xingzhi quietly pressed against the door. There was no peephole in the door. He could only open a tiny crack to let the sounds from outside reach his ears without any obstruction.

  Judging by the sound, Ji Xingzhi was sure that someone had entered the innermost room in the corridor at this time.

  After Scarface entered the door, the lame man came up to him and asked dissatisfiedly: "Why is there a soldier?" Their line of work is similar to walking on a tightrope. When you meet such a person, you can't wait to take a detour.

  Scarface glanced at him, "I open a shop and do business, how can I drive people away?"

  It only made it more obvious that the place had no silver and three hundred taels of silver. Anyway, it was only a night in the hotel, so nothing big happened anyway.

  The lame man was still frightened: "He didn't see anything just now, did he?"

  Scarface said: "They just went downstairs to change the light bulb in the toilet. Why are you so nervous?"

  The lame man had a sad look on his face, and then looked at Zhangyang, He had a sinister look on his face again, "It's not all my fault that this stinky girl ruined my good fortune. By the way, Brother Liu, how are your arrangements over there?" Scarface took out a piece of paper from his trouser pocket, "Hey, Here. It's a bit far, but this family offers a high price."

  It was a simple hand-drawn map. Generally speaking, outsiders who don't travel this route really can't find this village hidden deep in the mountains, so they go in. As a foreigner, it is almost impossible to come out on your own.

  After hearing Scarface's introduction, the lame man finally smiled on his gloomy face. He wanted to change hostages on the train. Firstly, he considered that the stunned hostage would be a drag. Secondly, he wanted to take revenge on Zhangyang for ruining his good deeds.

  If it weren't for Zhangyang, how could he and Aunt Fang lose three girls?

  Zhangyang didn't expect that the lame man would quickly take him out of the hotel. The latter knew that the big noise he made on the train must be known to the police. The best way now is to clean up the "goods" in hand and hide in the village. The roads in the mountains extend in all directions, so why should he worry about finding a gap for the police? No matter what happens, hiding away for a year and a half can always avoid the turmoil outside.

  When Zhangyang was taken away from the hotel, her heart sank.

  Just now she gave three short, three long and three short signals to the men in the corridor, and at the same time, she gestured with a gun to remind the young soldiers. Zhang Yang didn't want to cause the other party to be injured and have other uncontrollable accidents just because he asked for help.

  But now, the lame man moved too fast. When Zhangyang looked at the closed door in the corridor, she sighed inwardly.

  Walking on the mountain road in the middle of the night, Zhangyang really wasn't pretending to have foot pain this time, but actually had foot pain.

  She was limping and walking. Not only did the lame man show no sympathy for her, he even pulled the rope in his hand and admired Zhangyang's expression proudly.

  Before you know it, dawn has arrived.

  The villages on the map given by Scarface were indeed far away from the hustle and bustle. Even the lame man who was used to walking on the mountain roads could not help but curse. Zhangyang's head was dizzy. She had not been able to replenish her physical strength, or even take a sip. I didn't drink any water, and after walking for several hours, the cold mountain wind gave me a headache.

Finally , the lame man was tired of walking, so he found a random patch of grass and sat down.   Zhangyang finally got some rest. She licked her pale lips and couldn't help but shiver when she was blown by the mountain wind.   

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