Sunny and Starflight's Wedding : Part 2

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       They got to the desert within a couple of hours. They got dressed in the stronghold of Queen Thorn, obviously.
"I heard that this was the place the Sandwing Succession happened. I also heard that this is where Queen Thorn got her thrown," Seashell said as they flew over the stadium where all the tribes met.
"Seashell. LISTEN. This is where the Sandwing Succession happened. According to the history scrolls, Queen Thorn didn't get her throne until after it was over. Where Queen Burn, Queen Blister, and Queen Blaze vied for the thrown. Two of them-" Gill informed.
"Died and then Blaze got invited to live with Queen Thorn. Blah blah blah waddy waddy wah," Kolluth mocked and picked up speed. Seashell flew after him with Hyacinth practicing flying above her back. Poisonwing rolled his eyes and started to talk weird scoencey things to Gill.

       In the dressing room, Mother was in s gold dress that matched Tsunsmi's gold dress. Hyacinth ended up having her dress tailored and measured so that it fit. Poisonwing, Gill, Kolluth, Riptide, and Father was in a black suit with a gold tie or bow tie.
"How do I look?" Kolluth asked his brother.
"Nice. What about me?" Poisonwing started to lick his claws.
"Great. Look at Hyacinth," Kolluth said. The two brothers looked over at their sister who was wearing a beautiful golden dress with gold and obsidian sparkles on it. She had a small bouquet of flowers in her Talon.
"She's cute in that," Seashell said, coming up behind them. Kolluth whipped around and stared at her.
       She was also wearing the same dress Hyacinth was, but it was longer and more. . . Well, just a little more revealing.
"Wow. Who are you planniqng on impressing," Poisonwing sulked. He flicked his tail and she growled at him.
"No one. I'm impressing myself," she snapped.
"So you are a 'no one?'" He smirked and Kolluth smacked him with his wing.
"Get out of here," he said and his brother shrugged. "You look great."
"Thanks. You look handsome," she smiled. Kolluth blushed.
"Thanks," he said before muttering under his breath. "You look hot."
       Seashell looked at him funny and then out her tail under his chin as she walked away.
"Cmon. The wedding might be starting soon."

       Sunny was WAY too nervous. Of course she would be marrying the love of her life, so what is so wrong about that? The WRONG part is the amount of dragons that came to witness her Mary a dragon from a different tribe. Her mother, obviously, invited her husband, Stonemover. After all these years, Sunny found it funny that his name was Stonemover allthough he was practically stone and didn't even bother to move. But he managed to come with some of his magic. She was glad that he came, but she was worried. What would he think of their relationship?
"Sunny!" Exclaimed two voices behind her. She turned around and smiled.
"You guys made it!" Sunny beamed. She wrapped her wings around Glory and Tsunsmi
"How could we miss such a great milestone in our lifetime?" Tsunami smirked.
"Our favorite ship has sailed," Glory sat down on her dress and groomed herself. Just as she did, a brass fanfare played loudly, alerting the dragons. "There is our cue. KOLLUTH! GET THE DRAGONETS!" Glory barked, making Sunny jump.
"That is how you speak to your kids?" Tsunami asked.
"Kolluth barely listens to what I say. How else am I going to make him do it?" She shrugged then started to scream again. "KOLLUTH! GET THOSE FRICKING DRAGONETS RIGHT NOW!" Tsunami and Sunny started to giggle.
       A moment later, the black hybrid came running down with the others on his tail. Poisonwing carried a little female dragonet on his back and Seashell was dragging Gill.
"Who is that?" Sunny asked, pointing at the little dragonet. She had butterfly wings, a butterfly ruff, and ombrē tail and under scales, and she had beautiful
lavender eyes.
"This is Hyacinth," Glory noted, observing Sunny's expression. The fanfare started up again and they got in line.

       "We are gathered here today, in front of Queen There's castle, to witness the marriage of Princess Sunny and Nightwing Starflight," announced the dragon who was supposed to get them wed. Sunny thought that his name was either Cactus or Cervine. It started with a "c" though. "Within the power vested in me, I pronounce you- What? I am LITERALLY in the middle of getting two dragons married- Oh. Sorry folks! Lemme start over. Alright, so we are here to. . . " He practically started over the entire wedding and had to do it again because he went to the kissing part to early. The wedding was about an hour long from how long he was talking, but that was fine with Sunny. She was getting married to the blindest love of her life and that was just fine with her.
       At the end, they finally kissed and all the Sandwings and trusted Nightwings all clapped and cheered. Clay fainted again, Glory jolted awake, Tsunami also jolted awake from Glory's sudden movement, and Death bringer sighed and clapped groggily.

       "Thank you all so much for coming! This means a lot to us," Sunny smiled. Starflight nodded.
"Of course," Glory and Tsunami said in union and then laughed at each other. And then a second later they were argueing because they kept copying each other's word, taking movement, and the way that they stepped.
"Ah hem," Starflight coughed, trying to get their attention. "AHHHHHHHH HEMMMMMMMM." The two females stopped and turned to flare at him.
"What? STOP COPYING ME! AHHHHH! STOP IT!" Glory and Tsunami screamed at each other. Clay had to put a wing in between them.
"ANYWAYS, it is nice to have all you guys here. And I'm glad that you guys supported us like we did you guys," Starflight smiled. His pale blue eyes blinked and shone eith gratitude. The group all hugged each other and said their goodbyes. It was hard for Kolluth and Seashell to say goodbye though.

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