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I didn't feel like putting a ✨no-no word✨as the title.


It was afternoon, maybe a couple minutes after school let out, when Seashell and Kolluth decided to go flying. The first day had stressed them out to the point where they couldn't even finish their work in class. But it also felt less stressful to because Seashell didn't have to worry about a particular green Seawing stealing Kolluth away from her. Kolluth was relieved about it too, since he didn't have time worry about his privacy rights being ripped away from him.

So, they were flying away from the school (more like toward the peak of Jade Mountain) to get away from all the mess. According to what Poisonwing had told Kolluth, Hyacinth had already got in a fight an detention for that period. Of course, she got a stern scolding by them later, but she shook them off with even more surprising news.

"His sister said he had a crush on me, but I'm not too sure," Hyacinth's actual words had said. "I'm convinced he does because his face was pretty red."
"Probably of embarrassment," Kolluth had pointed out.

Anyway, while Kolluth was dealing with her, Seashell said that Reed was pretty glad to be here, although he had said he was more happy to leave the school than enter it. "It's ok," was what he said, but Seashell interpreted it better. Kolluth and Seashell haven't talked for a while, probably because they were both handling an egg and homework, even for the first day of school.

When they landed somewhere near the peak, Kolluth laid down and Seashell followed suit in the curve his body, laying her head on his front talons and twining their tails together.

"Seashell," Kolluth whispered, looking at the sun as it climbed down the sky. "You're amazing."
"I'll take it as a compliment," she whispered back in a playful tone. In a softer voice, she added, "And thank you. Haven't been called that since summer." Kolluth could still hear the ringing of their parents scolding them on the beach and the rainforest; he didn't want that to ruin the moment.

"You are though," he grinned. "Now as amazing as me." She raised her head immediately and thwacked him.
"You dumb hybrid!" She yelled, sitting up and reach for his head. He ducked away with a chuckle and took to the sky, his dark scales blending in with the upcoming night. "Oh no you don't!" She followed him into the sky, grabbing his tail before he smothered away and tickled her under scales.

They did this until sun set was about to come when they both went back to their ledge to sit together. They twined their tails once more and Kolluth reached his wing over Seashell to pull her closer. As the sun started to set, Kolluth sighed.
"What?" Seashell asked him, trying to watch the sunset and focus on him at the same time.
"I feel like we do better as bestfriends than we do as partners," he explained, his eyes looking sad. "Can we just be best friends for a day?"
"This is what you were anxious about?" She raised an eyebrow. "Sure, we can do that."

"Cool," he whispered, pulling her closer to him and placing his head on her forehead. She nuzzled his neck and leaned into it, feeling exhaust taking control of her before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


In the early morning, Seashell was woken up by a cracking sound. It wasn't the stupid Mudwing that snores like like a seagull chirping. It was like the sound a quail egg makes when you crack it and make scrambled eggs and salmon with it.
Eggs. Eggs. Eggs.

She yelped and immediately checked under her bed for the egg that had grown quite a lot since the beginning of the year. She checked it all over when she did see a crack in the egg. She yelled again and shook Kolluth with such violent matter that her woke up snarling at her.
"WHAT?" he whispered, his sces red and orange. Without even thinking twice, she shoved the egg in his talons and took off running out of her save and toward her mother's cave. "Oh SHIT!" she heard him curse and follow her.

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