The Cat's Out Of The Bag

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Kolluth never imagined to have so much attention drawn toward him. Him out of all dragons. And it's all because of that lowlife, stupid, motherfu-
"They what?" Glory reared up, standing up sniff pressing her front talons to the table. Her sclars turned instantly red and Father copied her. Tsunami looked ready to take them both the dragonets on.
"Tell me that's a joke," Riptide growled. "Ain't no way that's true."
"And ain't no way that two five year old dragonets are having a child?" Deathbringer snarled, lashing his black tail.

Gill and Poisonwing looked at each other and back at them. Dove and Tytan even stopped feeding each other and Hyacinth even managed to let her sclars turned yellow with surprise.
"It's true!" Reed continued. "I saw them! I saw them with the egg! They were talking to each tiger about how Seashell laid the egg a couple of days ago and how it was his!" Kolluth closed his eyes and exhaled, flexing his claws. For a two year old, he talked A LOT.

"Kolluth, Seashell," Glory and Tsunami said at the same time, moving swiftly toward the door. "Meet us outside."


"SERIOUSLY?" Tsunami roared. Kolluth and Seashell were getting scolded so bad, he thought he might actually cry.

Seashell was getting yelled at first. Not telling about the egg for a whole week and lying to them really shook them up. Kolluth was next, even more so. Glory was furious for getting Seashell pregnant in the first place.
"It wasn't my fault!" He argued. "She only told me today! I didn't know I'd become a dad so soon!"
"And I didn't even know I was with egg until two days ago when I LAID THE EGG," Seashell joined in.
"You could have told me!" Tsunami yelled back.
"And what would you do?" Seashell cried. "Ask to take the egg and then smash it like how Queen Coral killed all of her heirs? It's my egg and I chose what to do with it!"

Tsunami roared. "My mother did NOT kill her heirs! I killed the murderer and I told you the story! How can you forget that?"
"Wouldn't you like more heirs for the throne?" She cried. "Anemone doesn't have any children and neither does Auklet. If you three die, If be the only heir left and I'd need a heir of my one! You don't get it!"
"That still isn't an excuse," Glory growled. "And why didn't you tell us you two were dating?"
Kolluth rolled his eyes. "Like you'd believe that if I told you."
"I would!" The mothers said together, their tail lashing at the exact same time.

Suddenly, Deathbringer walked out and joined the two women. Kolluth groaned and stole a side glance at Seashell, who were staring back at him with glassy eyes.
"How did you guys even make an egg?" Father asked. "And for the sake of Battlewinner, WHY DID YOU MAKE AN EGG?"
"Sunny and Starflight made an egg without anyone even knowing! They didn't know it either until Sunny had the eggs!" Seashell growled.
"They are adults! You guys aren't even seven yet and already have a child!"

Kolluth finally had enough. "Of you guys don't support us, I could care less!" The adult became quiet. "How would we know we made an egg or not? It isn't our fault! You never told us shit about it, so don't even start!"

"Kolluth-" Glory started, but Kolluth cut her off.
"Shut UP!" he roared at her, beating his wings and grabbing Seashell with his tail. "Why can't you guys be better? Why can't you support us? WHY ARE YOU EVEN PARENTS AT ALL?"

He whirled around with Seashell in his clutch and stormed off toward her room. Seashell burst our crying when the git there and collapsed on the floor. With furious thoughts, he snatched the egg from under the bed and grabbed Seashell again.

"Where are you going-?" Poisonwing asked from the dinner table. The dragonets were still sitting there, Reed scared to death and covered in claw marks. Hyacinth was asleep with Dove on her, caring for her. Gill stood up at the sight of her tears.

"I don't know, but it isn't here," Kolluth growled at him and pulled his girlfriend toward the door. When he pushed fit open, Tsunami, Glory, Deathbringer, and Riptide were all outside discussing something he could care less about.

"Where do you think you're going?" Riptide asked.
"It isn't your business," Kolluth snapped at him and took to the sky.

He soared higher and higher in the clouds with the small egg in his talon and Seashell close behind him. She sniffled and flew close to him. Their parents on the ground shouted and called for their names, but they didn't turn back.

"Kolluth," she whispered. "I'm sorry."
"There is no need to be sorry," he said, smiling for the first time since dinner. "Some people she just idiots."

"So where do we go? To the rainforest?"

Kolluth shook his head and kept quiet, looking down at his egg with grief. "It's the only place I can think of where dragons will except us the way we are and the way we will become."

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum