Jade Mountain Academy

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       It was about that time when dragonets, the ages of three and older, we're able to go to JMA. Kolluth and Poisonwing, being four years old, we're able to leave their home and go there. Hyacinth would be able to go there next year, though.
       The school would be starting again in a week, so the boys had to start packing now and leave within two days. Hyacinth, obviously, wasn't going to be an only child for a year and DEFINITELY not going to have to play with herself and be lonely and depressed until she saw her brothers again.
"Do you need to leave?" Hyacinth asked for the seventh time. Poisonwing sighed and put another cloak in his bag.
"Yes," the boys said I'm unision and their sister frowned.
"What will I be doing? I can't go there until next year! I don't wanna be alone," she whispered and her amber tail turned a little orange.
"I don't know and I don't care what you will be doing. As long as you stay here, you'll be fine," Kolluth growled. She snorted.
"Plus, this will give you a chance to meet some other dragonets your age," Poisonwing smiled. Hyacinth frowned even more.
"Mother and Father won't let me do that. I'll be their only child for a year and they most likely want me to stay where they can see me," she pointed out. Her brothers looked at each other. "And I'm the only important child anyway."
"Important?" The boys said, amused.
"What makes you important?" Kolluth smirked.
"I'm the only heir to the throne. I'll have to take over once Mother dies," she turned over and laid down on her back. "And I will need to have eggs of my own to keep the family tree growing." Poisonwing put a wings over his face and turned a light pink of embarrassment. Kolluth started laughing and teasing his brother.
"I don't see what is funny." She frowned at them and narrowed her eyes.
"You know what I see funny?" Glory said, suddenly walking into the room. All the dragonets snapped to attention. "Is watching you boys be late. Hurry up."
The two started packing faster and in seconds, they were ready.
"I'm putting Grandeur in charge," Deathbringer said, coming in behind her.
"Good. It'll give her something to do while we are gone," Glory sulked and then walked out.
"Come, guys. Hyacinth, you too," Father ordered and two of the dragonets ran out. One little female stayed behind. "Hyacinth, that includes you."
"Why can't I go, too? I want to experience what they are!" She complained and turned a bright red. Deathbringer put a wings around her and pulled her in close.
"You will soon. Not now," he said, comforting her.

        The family flew over the rainforest and toward the jagged mountain. The two peeks announcrd the arrival of the Claws of the Clouds Mountains. They flew around them and toward the school, swarming with dragonets of all shapes, sizes, and colors. There were Sky wings the shade of deep orange and good speckles, Seawings the shade of a light aquamarine, Mudwings who were bigger than most of them, and Icewings who sat in the cold shade.
       Hyacinth gasped and looked at all of them. She'd never seen so many dragons in her life! More or less her Mother's own friends.
"Welcome To Jade Mountain Acadamy!" A banner declared with seven smiley faces on it. Hyacinth smiled back and flew toward the entrance.
       The family landed down on the cool rocks at the exact same time and Hyacinth opened her butterfly wings.
"Wow! This is crazy amazing!" Hyacinth beamed and bounced on her toes.
"It sure is," Kolluth muttered. He didn't seem very interested.
"It'll be okay. Two less children would be better," Glory said and her two children stared at her. Suddenly, a new Nightwing with white speckles on her eyes and ankle looked out of the shadow. She had a goofy face on, like she'd been laughing and couldn't stop, and she was constantly smiling.
"Welcome to Jade Mountain, guys!" She said, recognized Glory, and barreled into her. "Glory!" She laughed and Deathbringer took a step forward.
"Hi, Fatesspeaker," Glory laughed and kept tapping her friend until she stopped.
"These are yours? All three of them are joining?" Fatesspeaker asked. Hyacinth felt a spark of hope and turned to look at her mother. Her eyes pleaded but Glory didn't even look at her!
"No, only the boys," Deathbringer answered. "The girl is going to start next year."
       Hyacinth felt outraged. First, she doesn't get to go to go Jade Mountain Acadamy, and now her father describes her as "the girl?" Her scales changed from her natural color to a deep red and she scowldd at him. He stared back in an expressionless face but his eyes were lit with anger.
"Watch it, Hyacinth, because we are in public," his gaze said. Hyacinth scowldd at him again and turned away. She watched a Skywing walk in and turn over to her. Hyacinth tilted her head at her. Her snout was flat and a life brown. Her tail was thick and so were her shoulders. Her wings seemed to have golden streaks woven between them, like veins of fire. She smiled. Hyacinth smiled back and walked over to her.
"Hey," the Skywing said immediately after Hyacinth came six feet in front of her.
"Hi," she responded. Her scales toned down a bit to a calming blue and violet.
"I'm Cloud, a Skywing Mudwing hybrid," Cloud smiled. Hyacinth gasped and took in all her features. She had bright blue eyes, which was uncommon for a Skywing or a Mudwing. "Peril and Clay's daughter."
Hyacinth smiled and flicked her tail. "I'm Hyacinth, a Rainwing Nightwing hybrid."
"Rainwing and Nightwing? What about your wings and your ruff and tail? They look like butterfly wings, as if you were a butterfly and a dragon hybrid instead," Cloud tilted her head.
"Wouldn't that be crazy," Hyacinth shrugged and the two shared a laugh. Then, when they stopped, someone put a wing over her. She turned her head to look at Poisonwing.
"Mom and Dad are leaving now, so you have to go," he said. Cloud frowned.
"I thought she was staying," she complained.
"Not until next year," the siblings said at the same time. One of slight disappointment and EXTREME disappointment. Cloud laughed and the two girls said their goodbyes.
       So did the siblings.
"Why can't I go, too?" Hyacinth complained.
"You'll go next year, now let's GO," Glory demanded, grabbed her daughter, and rose into the air.
"Bye!" Hyacinth struggled against her mother's grasp and turned her head to look at them. "Bye. . "
       Her brothers were already walking off toward their school, not even looking back at their family. A tear formed and dropped from Hyacinth's cheek, and she sniffed. She watched them disappear into the mountain. She frowned and looked back until she couldn't anymore. She wiped away a tear and flew back home, without her brothers.

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now