Seashell vs. Jade Part 1

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     Shoutout to Hollyleaf_WarriorCat!


  Kolluth sat in his hammock, reading silently while his clawmates scored and mumbled in their sleep. His book was on the Dragonets of Destiny, but it never stated what the Rainwing did. This angered him, because Glory was one of the most important characters, who saved her tribe and became queen of two tribes! And yet, she wasn't even in the flipping scroll!
"Stupid author," Kolluth cursed, but countinued to read. Then he reached the end of the scroll, and put it away. He laid back in his hammock and swayed softly. Then he got up, went out, and almost bumped into another dragon.
"Oof," he grumbled, and glared into the dark. The dragon looked into his eyes and smiled.
"Sorry," she smiled at him. "I didn't mean to." He looked into the darkness and then changed his scales into a bright yellow, which illuminated the space around them. The Seawing gasped and shielded her eyes and then slowly peeked out.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
"Wow, what are you? Are you a Rainwing? You are really dark for that," she poked at his scales and he flinched.
"I'm a Rainwing Nightwing hybrid," he informed her. "I like your green scales." Her scales were a dark green, with light green freckles across her snout and around her tail. Her scales seemed like a light yellow, and she was very tall, almost three quarters his size.
She blushed. "Thanks,what's your name?"
A second later, he heard footsteps and started to quickly go back into his room.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Jade smiled, seeming to understand his reaction, and ran back the eagle she'd came.
"Bye. ." Kolluth's mind was a daze until he woke up, three hours later.

       Seashell woke up growling. She had a dream where her best friend had found someone better than her, although nobody was better than her. She could win at everything, cocoball, soccer, cooking, and any type of sport. So why was this bothering her? A Skywing across from her burrowed her snout into her arm and started to fake-snore to annoy her.
"Can you shut the flip up?" Seashell growled.
"Sorry, princes," the Skywing growled back. "Just tired."
"Yeah, sure," Seashell snapped.
"I don't see what your problem is." She stood up and flared her majestic orange wings. Seashell scoffed.
"You are too blind to see it anyway."
"Hey, stop fighting!" Someone above said. Seashell looked up with a glare and a Rainwing shimmered into view.
"We're you there the entire time?" Seashell and the Skywing said at the same time.
"Not technically. I'm Mango, who are you guys?" She smiled, genuinely happy.
"What a shocker," the Skywing rolled her eyes. Seashell ignored her.
"I'm Seashell."
"Great.Now that I know all of you, we can be best friends now-" Mango turned a bright gold.
"Let's not," Storm growled, flared her wings one more time, and walked past the two.
"Well, class is starting soon and I DON'T want to he late," Mango smiled, completely ignoring the Skywing.

By lunchtime, Kolluth was ready to go to sleep already. He still had three more stupid classes left to go, but at least he could hunt for what he wanted and not what was provided.
       He walked in and a chicken immediately slammed into his arm and he reached down and pinned it to the floor. He looked around and picked up the dead poultry, and almost took a bite out of it when something slammed into the back of his head. He whirled around with a hiss.
"Chill, Kully. Not that serious," Seashell came into view and took his chicken. She your a bite of it and gave it back to him.
"I swear," Kolluth frowned. "You know I don't like to be called that."
"Called what?" Said another voice, and he smiled.
"Hey, Jade. Seashell, this is Jade, Jade this is Seashell," he introduced. Jade smiled while Seashell curled her claws.
"Can I take from that?" Jade wondered. He handed it to her and she ate it all.
"I'll go," Seashell growled in a half friendly tone and walked away towards the Rainwings.
"She's pretty."

       Seashell's mind was racing with fury. She lashed her tail and curled her claws as she stabbed into a mango and spurred mango juice all over her camouflaged friend.
"Shoot, what's wrong?" Mango asked and licked the juice from her scales. Seashell growled again and looked over her shoulder at Kolluth and that over stupid Seawing. They laughed together as Kolluth got another chicken for her to eat.
"That petty girl over there is being such an ass," Seashell snarled. She lashed her tail again and squeezed the mango harder.
"Breathe," Mango soothed, intwining her tail with her friend's. "You'll be okay."
Seashell snorted. "Sure. Tell me after she's dead, 'kay?" Mango turned to a pale green and a little yellow.

       Jade and Kolluth walked together to their next class, and Seashell was there too. Kolluth thought that she looked a little mad, but he didn't think much of it.
It wasn't until class started and Jade sat next to him that Seashell started to get fidgety.
"Seashell!" He poked her tail and she turned around to glare at him.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong." She curled her tail around her talons. "Leave me alone." He blinked at her as she side eyed Jade and turned away.
       Thirty minutes later, class was over and Kolluth still felt a little weird. Why was Seashell acting like this? Was she jealous that he was hanging out with Jade than her? When the students were dismissed, Seashell left quickly with her Rainwing friend and Kollyth hurried to catch up with them, leaving Jade confused.
"Seashell!" Kolluth yelled, but Seashell picked up the pace and grabbed her friend's arm. "Seashell, come back!" Kolluth ran past the confused Rainwing behind her and grabbed Seashell's tail. She growled and whipped around and he immediately sat on it.
"Get the flipping frick OFF of me," she snarled. He softened for a second but kept his stern gaze.
"What is wrong with you?" He asked. Her Rainwing froend quickly disappeared and Seashell fumbled around on the air for a second and put her arm down. "You keep ignoring me."
"There is no reason," she growled. "I just want to focus on what I am doing, so if you don't mind, I will be going to my next class." She shoved him off her and he pounced on her back, pinning her to the floor.
"You aren't doing anything! You aren't doing any work!" Kolluth growled at her and she scratched at his talons. He turned a dark red and growled at her scales. "Is it because of Jade? Are you jealous of her?" Her lack of struggling gave him an answer.
"Listen, you don't have to get all mad about her." He smiled at her and she frowned in a response. Her tail twitched. "If you want to hang with me, you can. There is no reason to-"
"Hey, Kully!" Jade smiled, her dark green scales shining. Seashell growled and flipped up right. She looked over at Kolluth who turned a soft pink. "Hi, Seashell! Your scales are pretty."
"Mmm sure," Seashell snapped, shipped around, and slapped Kolluth's face with her tail. She walked away, grabbed a patch of air, and walked to her next class in a beautiful pile of aquamarine scales.
"What storm is ruining her flight?" Jade asked.
"She got all mad after you started hanging with me," he shrugged. The green Seawing took a step back and lowered herself into a crouch.
"Maybe a quick talk will help her," she said finally. The second bell rang and they started to participate ways.
       Kolluth was a bit scared about this "quick talk."

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang