CHAPTER: 15 Commander's Susceptible Period

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Commander's susceptible period has always been an unsettling thing in Wolf's Den. Any wrong move can lead to a dreadful disaster. For everyone, it is a time to brace themselves and walk on eggshells around him.


Because, he is not any normal alpha. He is of the high concentration levelled alpha- SS Class Alpha. Their are only 2 of that kind. These can make anyone obey their commands, are very strong, authoritative and dominant. Thus, being it has it's side effects also, their mental sea tends to get unstable if they don't get an omega for themselves early, a high chance of mental outburst or collapse is. In omegaverse, human's lives are up to 200 years so, they need partner to sustain their mental sea until then. The commander is 39years this years i.e., he has been spending his susceptible period alone 24-26 times.

And unluckily, the only SS Class omega of his kind has been taken, Evan August by commander's fellow kind, Sebastian Arlo so, his mental sea get's out of control during this time and he slaughters everyone of Wolf's Den and then, of course dies.

To prevent it, Zaidie's new launched drug is the best solution and coincidentally, Dr. Gavin and Dr. Finn do not have any alternative so, they agreed for her medicine.

Name is strange but Zaidie liked it.

"I have injected the drug with 1 day's comatose effect. If everything goes fine, he will remain as it is and next dose will be exactly 24hours later", said Zaidie to Dr. Gavin who was waiting for her ahead of glass chamber.

"Very well. Commander will check everything so make a thorough report and submit it to me and his office as well. Good job", said Dr. Gavin.

Zaidie nodded.

She looked at the person in the glass chamber. It was commander. He was lying unconscious on a chair, wrists and ankles were restrained to it very strongly, half naked and... unconscious.

This glass cage chamber is working like a cage to him. A glass cage. No one can enter in it except machines for the whole week. Like an unconscious beast in confinement.

He haven't done anything wrong and this treatment by everyone, it feels bad to her. But, she also knows for the fact that behind this innocent facade is a beast. A very dangerous one.

Still, Zaidie can't help it, sighed and left to analyze on the data she has obtained till now.

The next day, Zaidie is now showing her report of previous 24hours which she had made by taking records every 2 hours and explaining his condition, "According to the data you are watching in the report, the intensity of susceptible period is gradually increasing so, the next dosage will be 1.5times stronger in concentration than previous one."

Dr. Gavin analyzed and nodded, "It is true. Proceed with it."

Zaidie placed the medicine tube in machine behind the glass chamber and inside it, machines did their work and injected it in his pheromones gland. He flinched, frowned and soon became normal.

"Jo, show me all his current readings", commanded Dr. Gavin.

"Yes Doctor."

After onlooking everything, Dr. Gavin commanded, "Everything is normal. Tomorrow Dr. Bence will supervise you. Do as what he says, I'll be out for some business."

Zaidie nodded.

On the way of commander's office, Jo joined Zaidie, "Thank you Dr. Wade."

Zaidie frowned, "For what? This my duty as an employee here and a researcher."

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