CHAPTER: 30 What!?

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After returning from Planet Number 08, everything went back to normal. However, for Zaidie it wasn't. Her work increased to tenfold because, as she reached there, she realized that Seneo and Meneo were going to develop in the near future.

Seneo and Meneo.
Two plants growing simultaneously like darkness and light. Seneo is whole black plant which gives white flower and Meneo is whole white plant which gives black flowers. They are highly conscious of their surroundings and release very toxic gases upon sensing any harm. They are aware of their guardian as they don't harm Zaidie even if she is to harm them.
Their requirement to grow up are also clamorous as they require high temperature in day and cold temperature at night.

Zaidie is occupied with these plant's care, tracking every single change in detail and doing her research on them.

It has been has been 10 days in which Zaidie tried mixing, did numerous tests and had searched many things but to no veil.

These plants are as complicated from inside as they appear on outside.

Still, her days of search gave one result- Seneo and Meneo are exactly opposites of each other.

Zaidie and Avi did their best to bring it out.

However, in these few days, there was something that Zaidie found strange. She had become more sensitive than before. She had become more keen to her surroundings and slightly unfavorable things bothers her. Now, she can easily sense someone's pheromones within not so close premises.

And as, she is a researcher and is busy in her research now all the task of hers have been removed.

There was a test that she was going to run but was disturbed by a knock on the door.

Zaidie groaned.
She hate it when somebody disturbs her research despite putting, 'CONCENTRATION TIME, DO NOT DISTURB. For the time being, assume Dr. Wade doesn't exist.'

Zaidie ignored it a few times but the person didn't had any intention of leaving, annoyed her even more.

She commanded her helper, Avi, "Avi! Whoever is here, chase them away. Say I am busy."

"Yes", she replied and went to door.

Soon, Avi returned and said, "Dr. Abel has something urgent to convey to you. I said you were busy but he told me it is urgent. So,..."

Zaidie interrupted her, "This wasn't why I send you. Sigh. Fine."

Zaidie invited him and decided to chat with a cup of coffee.

Abel joked, "The look you are wearing is as if someone has stolen your stuff."

"You can say that because you don't know what I am going through", replied Zaidie.

Abel chuckled. Zaidie remarked, "If that's why you are here, leave. I am not free."

Abel interjected, "No no. I am here because you are the only one left from the medical team to go through yearly medical checkup. I guessed that you didn't have seen the notification since you were busy."

Zaidie frowned, "Why is it so early? There are still 4 months left for that."

"Yeah it is but the authorities are saying that it is to make sure that everyone is safe and sound after their return", Abel pointed out.

Zaidie refused, "I don't think so. Authorities are not always this benevolent to their employees. Still, thanks for letting me know."

"Your welcome". "Ah, on more thing, is that alright if I just submit my report instead of going through the whole procedure?", asked Zaidie.

Abel thought for a while and replied, "Yes, you can. You just have to mention the mode of doing so."


Soon after Abel left, Zaidie engrossed herself in her research but didn't forget to tell Avi to remind her of medical checkup.

Zaidie was having a hard time because of her research which wasn't fruitful so, she decided to take a break and do her medical checkup.

As she knew what tests and details might be required, she made a list of them and handed it to Avi.

"Here, these are the tests you have to do and the details you have to add. I need this file by tomorrow morning."

Avi sighed, "You sure leave me with difficult tasks while yourself rests early."

Zaidie smirked, "Of course, after all you are my helper."

Avi reckoned, "I can submit it by noon."

Zaidie was firm, "No, morning."

Avi got an idea and said, "I want a new hairstyle."

Zaidie squinted her eyes at her, "Hairstyle? What is wrong with the current one?"

"It has gotten old."


"It is old fashioned."

"It is classy", Zaidie had spent quite a fortune on getting this helper so, she is hesitant on spending more.

"Hairstyle. I cannot change that easily", Avi prompted her.

"You can. Leave this coercion, I won't be swayed. You can change hairstyle and this suits you best. I won't until you have completed at least one and a half year with me", said Zaidie with a stern look.

Avi mumbled, "How stingy."

"I can hear you."

One thing also had changed after returning. Instead of visiting, Zaidie and Kawan chat daily at night before sleeping.

Zaidie suggested that instead of going to and fro daily and disturbing your sleep, better let it be this way and her nightmares isn't an issue anymore.

Kawan falteringly agreed.

"So, now you got the time to call me, hmm?", Kawan questions in his magnetic voice.

"Yes. Things are a little challenging here that's why I couldn't even notice when the time went by", replied Zaidie lying in her comfortable position.

Kawan was also resting in his bedroom.

"Is it? You shouldn't strain yourself much. Take care of you health, it isn't that long when your body sustained an injury", said Kawan with concern.

Zaidie found it comfortable listening to Kawan's voice, she expressed, "Mr. Wolfie, please keep talking. I might be able to sleep early. Anything is fine as long as it is you."

Kawan got amazed. He was delighted by the praise he got and satisfied by the fact that she is relying on him.

'Soon, you'll be mine. Right beside me in this bed. In my arms. Very soon', thought Kawan and agreed, "Alright."

The next morning, things might have went smoothly for everyone but not for Zaidie. Why?

"Dr. Wade, I have checked your pheromonal sample many times and it is stating that...", Avi hesitated.

Zaidie frowned, "What!?"

"It says that you are an SS- Class Omega in it's differentiation."

Next Update: Around 15March, 2024

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