CHAPTER: 38 Deepsea Research Lab

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Deepsea Research Lab, as previously told by Zaidie was a researcher's heaven, their utopia. It provides from earliest to latest data to analyze, openhandedly supports them in gathering and comparing resources, be it financial or manual, gives carefree environment to explore issues and problem solving.
The most spectacular thing it has is- less involvement in outer worldly affairs. It has full support of government from Capital Planet. This thing attracts them the most.

Deepsea research lab is located in Planet number 04, in the middle of ocean for it's safety and security as it has some information and things in it which can't be revealed to people recklessly. It's exact address is hidden because of that. It neither do have branches nor sub-divisions and if required, they'll seek help by volunteering or by seeking volunteers.

Zaidie is here for that purpose.

It was 200 miles in East from the Port of Menon, Planet number 04.
In the sea, a huge platform was built. Five small ones were surrounding it for communication, storage of power, food, fuel and last one Zaidie didn't knew, followed by various ships including carriers, cruise and aircraft carriers and three protection perimeters around them.

It appeared less like a research lab and more like a military base or camp.

There were around 100 volunteers when Zaidie reached there and Deepsea Research Lab's team of 50 was departing for field job.

For the staff left there, teams were made of 2-8 volunteers to work under them on different matters. Joint matters to be discussed and done on weekends.

The researchers present there were in all age groups and had different habits and temperaments.

Those volunteers who got irascible ones were silently crying within themselves for getting scolded many times. After seeing them, those who were under the relaxed ones were overfilled with joy.

Zaidie was under Dr. Carter who was neither cranky nor relaxed. He was blunt.

When the teams were being allotted, he barged in the meeting room, took the file from the administrator's hand and said "I'll choose the teams that'll work under me myself."

He skimmed through the file and said "The team having 2 doctors, Dr. Zaidie Wade from Wolf's Den Organization and Dr. Sadie Connor from... ah that's a long name, Planet number 07, they'll be under my guidance."

When he was asked as to why he chose them, it shocked everyone present there " Two people and on the top of that girls. Less people and girls are easy to handle."

But, that perception of his got shattered within days, thanks to Sadie.

Zaidie then got acquainted with Dr. Sadie Connor. She was a gossip queen, the fastest telecommunication channel amongst volunteers and a passionate foodie.
She knew what had happened in the opposite corner of lab before their neighbors did and she loved eating various kinds of things. Despite that, she had maintained her figure and face well.
A beautiful and intelligent beta.

Zaidie and Sadie become friends when Zaidie was asking questions about the metal gear they were given, from Dr. Carter.

"It is a safety measure to all the people present here. It an emergency occurs, Deepsea Research Lab's defense system will get activate and open the Teleportation Window and will send those who have it to the co-ordinates filled in it." elaborated Dr. Carter.

"But, things like teleportation can't be possible. How can a mass suddenly disappear from a point and appear at another?" asked Zaidie.

Sadie nodded.

"It's not the teleportation as in fantasies. It's a kind of transfer of mass. Equivalent mass like ours are kept at the place of co-ordinates." replied Dr. Carter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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