CHAPTER: 25 Nightmare

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The scene from before had put Zaidie in quandary. She didn't had any significant or concerning health issues prior to this so, for her to regurgitate something never seen or heard, it was very astonishing.

Zaidie is terrified right now and is concerned about her health.

This thing left her in great shock. She glanced at the clock. It was 6:00AM.

"Sigh. I only slept for 4hours. If I stay here, I won't be able to calm myself. Let's head to work."

Zaidie wore her spare uniform to hide her injury and then headed to her work to treat patients. After that sudden emergence of Greymoss, some of those who came to rescue have now became patients.

"I heard you got hurt. Why are you here?", asked Kyrie with care.

Zaidie lied, "Who told you that? Look I am fine."

Kyrie squinted her eyes, "Someone just now told me you got into an accident."

Zaidie sighed, "I did get into an accident but, I didn't get hurt. I can work."

"So it is. Fine. We have a lot to do, let's get started"


As there were many patients to attend, those who were fine started working early.

After treating normal patients, it was time to treat those whose mental sea got disturbed.

Zaidie was concerned that the mental sea balance detector might find her mental sea not fit for treating patients but, that wasn't the case. It was between normal points near 85% and above so, she treated those patients without any trouble.

"You should go now. Everyone had taken rest except you", said Hayden taking the remaining patients' charge from her to himself.

"What time is...oh! It's 5PM! I guess I should really take a break. Fine, take care Hayden", said Zaidie to Hayden while leaving.

It's not that Zaidie didn't wanted to rest, she was just afraid that if she is free, her mind will think something stupid again like morning.

"Now or later, I have to face it. Let's just do it now", said Zaidie with determination.

So, to find out what is wrong with her body, she headed straight to medical equipment's room.

X-MED Machine.
No one could suggest any better name so, it's creator's team came up with this name.

This was a very advanced machine which can find any slightest shuffle in harmful micro-organisms' single unit also. If a virus has gone inactive inside the host, it can also detect it.

Reader's will ask why then it hasn't been put to use?
The answer is because-1. It hasn't fully developed yet. Engineer, researchers and manufacturers intended to make it so that it can cure also but, they couldn't do that due to this crisis.
2. If machines are going to treat even such small things then human's immune system will become weaker.

Their body's immune system had to fight these small things on it's own.

Then, why it was made in the first place?
It is to detect something new which hadn't even discovered until now.

All you need to do is to sit on it and it will perform various kinds of tests on their body.

After carrying out all test, the result came was a very long list of her body's data and-

"Exhaustion, blood loss due to injury on the right shoulder, stiffened body muscles and not enough sleep.
Except these things, everything is fine with this patient."

Zaidie frowned, "Strange. Anyways, I should be glad about this result as their isn't anything going happen to me."

Zaidie erased her details from the machine and left for her ward to rest.

It might have been better and easy for Zaidie if things had went smoothly but, the same situation has arisen again. She is having a nightmare.

"No...", she is frantically refusing to something again and again in her sleep.

Then, she jolted awake from her sleep. Sweating profusely, breathing heavily with shaking hands.

She glanced at the clock and sighed. "I couldn't even sleep for an hour. Just, when will this end?", she lamented.

While Zaidie was drinking water, the door of her ward was opened.

"I heard that you treated others while yourself being a patient?"

She didn't need to look back to see who is was.
Its Kawan.

"I am not a patient. I am fine.", said Zaidie avoiding his eyes guiltily.

"Oh, is it?", Kawan raised an eyebrow, sat near the bed then and lightly poked her right shoulder with his finger.

"Ouch! What are you doing?", Zaidie exclaimed while backing away form him and protecting her shoulder.

"Have you had enough rest?", asked Kawan with concern.

'You are asking me after poking my wound?'. "Yeah, I have. I was sleeping before you came", she replied without batting an eye.

As if Kawan had sensed something, he said, "You are saying this but your eyes says otherwise."

"My eyes have always been like this."

"Is it?"


"You didn't have wrinkles under your eyes when you were in Wolf's Den."

Zaidie got infuriated, "These are called eyes bag... oh". She stopped midway as she had fallen for his trick. She tried to compromise, "I am not used to this bed, that's it."

Kawan persuaded in a very delicate voice, "You should just say. If you have any difficulty, tell me. You look tired then before."

Zaidie sighed. Although it seems trivial to her but this issue is still concerning for her. 'Maybe, he can help.' She took the courage and said, "Its... Its... I am having nightmares and can't sleep. Not even for an hour."

Kawan nodded, "That was a new experience to you and a terrifying one on the top of that. It must be shocking."

Then, Zaidie remembered something and asked hesitantly, "Mr. Wolfie, are there many kinds of Greymoss? I mean, are all of them same or different?"

Kawan frowned, "No, they all are of the same kind which you have encountered yesterday."

'Strange. He also couldn't see the different one. I should ask for the CCTV footage and look into it by myself', thought Zaidie.

"You should rest", said Kawan while motioning her to lie down.

"But, I can't. I am having nightmares", said Zaidie in worried tone.

Kawan covered her eyes with his hand and said, "As long as I am here, nothing will happen."

"Huh, is that it? Are you a dream catcher or something?", Zaidie remarked.

Kawan chuckled, "You can assume anything". 'But, strangely his hands, they are clean and warm. Its comforting', she thought.

The continuous release of pheromones and the warmth of his hands bought her solace.

Soon, her breathing relaxed and she fell asleep.

Surprisingly, Zaidie didn't have any nightmares that day.

Next Update: Around 31January, 2024

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