CHAPTER: 34 'It's Thursday'

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After being told to wait, Kawan was utterly shocked. There were many actions and things of Zaidie which clearly indicated her attraction and affection towards him. So, when Zaidie told him to wait, he couldn't control himself and he had almost lost it if not for her caressing his hand and her soft voice.

But still, the words she uttered with that serene voice were bitter.

He managed near her but after coming back from her side, these feelings reached to it's peak.

Joe also couldn't stand his anger. After giving much thought, he suggested Kawan to train so that he can vent his anger through training but, who would have thought that this rash action of his will take a troll on soldiers.

Louise dropped on the ground with a thud "What sins have I done to receive such harsh training?"

Judah, whose number was just before him, also breathing heavily "God knows what had gotten into him and who directed him this way."

Joe's conscience hit him hard hearing this. Well, it shouldn't be him to feel bad about this but someone else.

On the other hand, Zaidie, the real culprit of all of this is oblivious from the world outside her lab.

Her pointless search in the night forest has now received a map and compass.

Zaidie's futile search of days now has started going on the right track with Dr. Dante Brecken's diary and the research data she had gotten from Elijah. Now, she doesn't want to waste this opportunity.

"Dr. Wade, will you be taking break after this?" asked Avi quietly.

"I have to. This solution needs rest. I will proceed after that."

Zaidie sat on her chair and started noting the details she had just gotten.

"Dr. Wade, how are you feeling now? You have started taking medicines and I need to note every detail."

Zaidie had started taking medicines now. It is a self diagnosis. Although she isn't going to tell anyone about her differentiation but, it is ongoing. Her conditions can get complicated if her development stops or backfires her in any way.
And, there are chances for it to happen if she doesn't take care.

So, without any delay, Zaidie explained about herself and Avi took a note of it.

"Avi, it is going to be dinnertime soon. Bring my dinner here." said Zaidie while grabbing a file.

"You should get out of the lab Dr. Wade. You haven't set foot out of the lab for 5 days."

Zaidie replied while reading that file "As you can see, I am not free Avi. Now go."

The file in Zaidie's hands was memoir of Dr. Dante Brecken.

Gender, Primary- Male
Secondary- Alpha

Appearance, Has ombre platinum colored hairs, fair skin, golden colored hooded eyes, a straight bridged nose and so the lips.

Physique, Height- 185cm
Weight- 195lbs and varies
Broad shoulders and-----

Zaidie glanced at his file photo worriedly "Did he charm my mother with his appearance? My mother does have a soft spot for appearance. I have inherited many of these."

He was his family's middle child. Parents were teachers, mother Beta and father an S-class Alpha. Elder sibling is a lawyer, an A-class Alpha while the younger one is an employee of a gaming company named 'Aria' and is a Beta.

He cleared his medical entrance exam in first attempt in XXXX year and went to Remel Medical Institute and Hospital (RMIH) for his studies. There, he completed his studies exquisitely and became a researcher for Deepsea Research Lab, a researcher's utopia.

After that, his mother left the world due to an heart ailment and father followed her thereafter. Parent's absence lessened the contact between the siblings and that's when he met Zaiden Wade, Zaidie's mother, an S-class Omega on a blind date.

They started meeting each other frequently, were compatible to each other, got attracted to each other, fell in love and get married thereafter.

"Atleast he didn't played with my mother than eloped otherwise I would have done something I shouldn't, even if I end up behind the bars." Zaidie commented.

In Deepsea Research lab, he did marvelous job with his friends Pedro and Nash. Diego Medicines' CEO hired them in his visit to there and surprisingly, they left there paradise and went to work there. Worked for 6 months then suddenly went missing in a Greymoss attack.

Why say missing and not dead?
They were very far away from the scene of incident so, no chance of being dead. No one could find them so, they were declared missing.

Zaidie became conflicted. The information she had read just now about his absence, how much she tried, she couldn't accept that.

It's not the fact that he went missing but that he is innocent.

"This doesn't prove that he is innocent." Zaidie mumbled.

"Dr. Wade, here's your dinner." Avi said while bringing it in.


After having her dinner, she started working as usual and forgot about the time. It always happens whenever she gets something new for her research.

If it wasn't for Avi, she would have stopped after collapsing.

"Dr. Wade, you are on medicines, you need rest for them to work." Avi nudged her.

"Okay. By the way, what day is today?" asked Zaidie while departing.

"It's Thursday."

"Ok. you should rest too."


Zaidie was thinking possible reasons for Dr. Brecken and his friends had left Deepsea Research Lab which, no researcher had left in their right mind, while tossing and turning on her bed.

"It's Thursday. Tomorrow will be Friday. Why in the world they had left the lab?" mumbled Zaidie sleepily.

'It was a very flourishing spring season for the new beginning, for transformation and a start over. Maybe that's why, Greymoss chose this time to attack the people and destroy their will on Second Thursday of March, starting from Deepsea Research Lab.'

The little bit of the sleep which Zaidie had worked hard to accumulate got vanished in an instant. She sat on her bed and exclaimed "The original text! Yeah, the Greymoss's next attack will be next year, on Second Thursday of March on Deepsea Research Lab."

Next Update: Around 23April, 2024

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