Chapter 9

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Sitting in my office, I picked up the phone and dialed my secretary's extension

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Sitting in my office, I picked up the phone and dialed my secretary's extension. Jake answered promptly."Jake, I need you to make a lunch reservation for me at that popular Italian restaurant, La Trattoria," I instructed.

Maya Sanders had, over time, become a somewhat reluctant constant in my life when it came to formal events. It wasn't by choice but rather a matter of convenience for both of our families. Despite the surface-level civility that we maintained, I couldn't deny that I had a strong aversion to her.Maya had a tendency to act in a clingy manner, often assuming that we were in some sort of relationship. It was a misconception I had tried to correct numerous times, but she seemed to conveniently ignore my disinterest.

The prospect of meeting Maya to deliver a message was one that had been on my mind for some time. It was a conversation I had been putting off, but I had reached a point where I could no longer tolerate her assumption that we were in a relationship, or her clingy behavior at formal events.

I was deeply engrossed in my work, focusing on a critical project that required my attention. However, as the clock ticked away, I couldn't help but realize that it was time for my lunch appointment with Maya.

As I drove towards La Trattoria, I couldn't help but notice Maya standing outside the restaurant, waiting for me.Handing over the car keys to the valet, I made my way toward Maya who stood waiting for me. I deftly sidestepped Maya's attempt at a hug and, instead, offered a courteous smile and a handshake and guided her to the reserved table.

Sitting across from Maya at the table, I couldn't help but feel a sense of irritation wash over me as she began to speak.Maya's use of the term "baby" grated on my nerves everytime.

As Maya's words flowed in a continuous stream, I recognized that it was time to interject. I took a deep breath, preparing to assert myself with a more stern tone."Maya, I understand your excitement, but I have something important to say".My voice held a note of authority, signaling that it was time to shift the focus of the conversation.

Amid the tension at the restaurant, I firmly conveyed my decision to Maya. "Maya, I no longer require your company at social events."Maya's response was emotional and immediate, her voice trembling as she said, "Asher, I can't agree with this. I love you, and I care about you deeply."

With a cynical scoff, I couldn't help but react to her words"Maya, what you feel isn't love. You just need my fame and money to bask in the limelight."As I made my move to leave, Maya's hand gently halted my departure, and she spoke, "Asher, your assumption is false."
I can't help but laugh at her stupidity and said " We every well know who is right, so don't waste my time arguing"

Maya's outburst filled the restaurant, her exclamation reverberating through the room. She shouted, "You can't do this!" But my response was calm, even if it carried a note of authority. I said, "Maya, I can do whatever I like. I'm not entitled to answer to you."

I spoke in a serious and cold tone, looking into Maya's eyes, and delivered a stern message: "Maya, it's in your best interest to stay away from me. You wouldn't like the consequences."With those words, I made my exit from the restaurant.


As I made my way to the Wilson's house for dinner, my thoughts shifted to Addy.
I remembered her fondness for chocolates and decided to make a quick stop at a nearby store to pick up a box of her favorite chocolates. As I stood in the store, selecting a box of chocolates for Addy, a sense of bewilderment washed over me. I couldn't help but question myself, wondering why I was doing this.I had chosen to buy the chocolates despite my reservations.

Pulling up to the Wilson's house for dinner, I noticed my parents' car already parked in the driveway.As I stepped inside the Wilson's house, I was met with the warm greetings of both my parents and Addy's family. Christian, my best friend, was among the familiar faces, and we exchanged a nod and a brief conversation amidst the mingling crowd.

As I greeted Addy's mother with polite formality, she responded with a warm smile and a gentle request. "Asher, dear, please call me Aurora. No need for formalities."Beside her, Addy's father, David, extended his hand and added, "And Asher, you can call me David."

While engaging in conversations with Addy's family in the living room, my gaze subtly shifted as I searched for her. I discreetly scanned the room, attempting to locate her. I was momentarily unaware of the mischievous eye watching me. Sophia, Christian's wife, let out a playful laugh and gently teased, "Caught in the act, Asher? Searching for Addy?" I was caught off guard, and a sense of bewilderment overcame me.The room erupted in laughter, with not just Sophia but my parents and Addy's family joining .

Sophia, with a mischievous glint in her eye, leaned in and whispered, "Asher, you'll find Addy in the backyard." The room was still filled with laughter as I excused myself, feeling a slight flush of embarrassment.With a smile on my face, I made my way through the house, following the path to the backyard where I hoped to find Addy.

As I stepped into the backyard, my gaze fell upon Addy, and I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. She sat on the lawn, her eyes fixed on the evening sky, and the fading sunlight danced on her features, casting a soft glow. Her dress, a simple yet elegant choice, complimented her perfectly, accentuating her grace and charm.

As I approached Addy, she seemed lost in her thoughts, her gaze locked on the evening sky. However, a moment later, as if she sensed my presence, she turned around. Her sudden, shocked expression as our eyes met left me momentarily breathless. Unable to contain the admiration I felt, I whispered softly, "Beautiful,"

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