Chapter 44

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The snowball fight begins, laughter filling the crisp winter air as we all playfully pelt each other with snowballs, creating memories to cherish for years to come

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The snowball fight begins, laughter filling the crisp winter air as we all playfully pelt each other with snowballs, creating memories to cherish for years to come.As the snowball hits Addy square on, her expression morphs from surprise to amusement, her cheeks turning rosy from the cold. She retaliates with a playful grin, ready to join in the fun.

As Christian's giant snowball smacks into me, I stumble backward, the impact knocking the breath out of me. Before I can even recover, another snowball from Liam hits me squarely in the chest. I'm left dazed, trying to regain my footing amidst the laughter of my friends and family.

With a mischievous grin, I quickly scoop up some snow, packing it tightly into a ball. While they're distracted with their laughter, I silently plan my revenge, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back.

Liam and Christian still laughing at their successful throw, turn around, and that's when I seize the opportunity. With a swift movement, I launch the snowball I've been preparing, aiming directly for Liam. The snowball flies through the air, and with a satisfying thud, it connects with Liam's back, sending him stumbling forward into the snow and repeat the same with Christian.

As Christian and Liam chase me through the snow-covered landscape, I can feel my heart pounding with exhilaration. The cold air fills my lungs as I dart between trees, my laughter echoing through the winter silence.

As Christian and Liam round the corner, I leap out from my hiding place, a flurry of snowballs in hand. With expert aim, I let them fly, each one finding its mark with satisfying accuracy.The chase continues, laughter and shouts filling the air as we race through the winter wonderland, each of us determined to emerge victorious in this snowy showdown.

As I'm busy plotting my next move against Christian and Liam, a sudden impact catches me off guard. Whirling around, I see Addy standing there, a mischievous grin on her face as she holds another snowball in her hand.Caught completely by surprise, I can't help but laugh at her unexpected attack.

With a mischievous glint in my eye and a burst of energy, I charge toward Addy, feeling the snow crunch beneath my boots. As I reach her, I scoop her up in my arms, her laughter ringing in my ears as I swing her around before gently placing her down in the soft, powdery snow.

The cold seeps through my clothes, but it's nothing compared to the warmth that floods my heart at the sight of Addy's radiant smile. Her cheeks flushed pink from the cold, she looks up at me with sparkling eyes, her laughter echoing in the crisp winter air.

With a grin, I lean in, capturing Addy's lips in a tender kiss, the taste of snow lingering on her skin. As we pull away, breathless and smiling, I gently brush the snowflakes from her cheeks and clothes, my fingers lingering on her soft skin.

"Got to make sure my snow princess looks her best," I tease, planting another quick kiss on her nose before we continue our snowy escapade, hand in hand, hearts intertwined.

Addy chuckles, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she playfully nudges my shoulder. "Always the charmer, aren't you?" she remarks, her smile warm and affectionate.

I sneakily snap a photo of Addy as she laughs, her cheeks flushed from the cold, her eyes bright with joy. She looks so beautiful, like a winter fairy dancing in the snow, her carefree spirit contagious.

As my father's hand lands on my shoulder, a warmth spreads through me, not just from his touch but from his words. "I'm glad you found love," he says with a proud smile. And in that moment, I realize how fortunate I am to have Addy by my side, bringing light and love into my life every day.

"Thanks dad," I say with a grin, nodding in agreement. "Life was never dull, that's for sure. She brings out the best in me, keeps me on my toes, and makes every day an adventure."

"Hey, Addy, need anything?" I ask, flashing her a warm smile. "Only you," she replies with a flirtatious grin, making my heart skip a beat. "I'm all yours," I reply with a smile, feeling a rush of warmth at her words.

Christian and Liam's fake gagging and comments about us being cringe didn't bother me as much as it amused me. Sure, they teased us relentlessly, but deep down, I knew they were happy for us.

I just chuckled and rolled my eyes at Christian and Liam's theatrics. "Come on, guys, can't handle a little romance?" I teased back, knowing they were just messing around. Their playful banter was all part of the fun.

Liam smirked and quipped, "Yeah, but not your kind of romance, Ash. It's too cheesy for our taste." Liam's retort fizzled out as Lily chimed in, "I like cheesy! It's sweet." Liam retorts, "Well, for you, Lily, I'd even recite Shakespeare in the middle of Times Square."

Lily chuckles and replies, "You'd better start rehearsing those lines then, because I'm holding you to that promise!" Christian groans dramatically, shaking his head. "Not you too, Liam. Please spare us the cheese!"

Sophia chuckles and adds, "Well, you're just as cheesy, or else we wouldn't have these two," she nods toward Evan and gently rests a hand on her pregnant belly, "and the one on the way." Christian rolls his eyes playfully and retorts, "Fine, I admit it, maybe a little cheesiness isn't so bad after all."

Liam grins and says, "See, even the tough guy surrenders to the power of cheese!" Everyone chuckles at that comment. As Addy leaned into my arms, she looked up at me with those mesmerizing eyes and made the simple request, "Can we have some hot chocolate?"

I couldn't resist the opportunity to indulge her request, so with a gentle smile, I replied, "Of course, my love. Hot chocolate coming right up."


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