Chapter 36

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"I'll love you in every lifetime

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"I'll love you in every lifetime. You own my heart, and I belong to you, only you." I keep my eyes shut, pretending to be snoozing.Seriously? I had to bite my lip to stop from grinning like a maniac. Who knew he was such a softie? My heart did a happy dance, but I'm playing it cool – I mean, I'm still "asleep." But dang, that was some sweet stuff right there!

My eyes fluttered open to Asher's gentle nudge, his excitement palpable. "Addy, wake up. We've landed in Santorini," he whispered with a grin.As we made our way off the plane. Seated beside Asher in the car, the scenic beauty of Santorini unfolded before us. The azure sea stretched endlessly, and the sun painted the sky in hues of gold and pink.

We stepped into the lavish lobby of the resort, and I was ready to bask in its luxury. But instead of heading to the reception, Asher gently tugged me away. I shot him a puzzled frown, asking, "Hey, where are we going?" His eyes sparkled with mischief, and he just grinned, leading me further into the enchanting surroundings.

He just smirks and says, "Patience, love."I roll my eyes at his "patience, love" line, trying to play it cool. But dang, did he just call me "love"? Cue the butterflies in my tummy doing a happy dance. "Fine, Captain Cryptic, but spill soon or I might burst from the suspense!"

A playful smirk curved on Asher's lips as he spilled the secret. "We've got the special suite with a perfect view of the sea," he announced. My eyes widened, and a delighted gasp escaped me. Our suite is legit, with this balcony that practically hangs over the sea – like, talk about room with a view! And get this, there's a secret path that leads straight to a private beach. Privacy level: A+.

I couldn't resist and pecked Asher on the cheek for that epic surprise. The look on his face? Priceless. Then I just bolted, giggling like a maniac. Asher's voice echoes after my cheeky move, shouting, "You can't just peck and run!" I flash him a cheeky grin and keep the giggles rolling.

The warm water from the shower was a blissful escape, and as I changed into something comfortable. Stepping out, Asher looked up and, with a smile, asked about dinner. The thought of food after that journey seemed heavenly. "Surprise me," I replied.


So, instead of night owling around Santorini, we're saving the streets for a morning adventure. I threw on a breezy sundress, going for that Santorini chic vibe. Meanwhile, Asher went for the classic vacation look – shorts and a crisp shirt. We're basically the poster couple for holiday fashion, ready to own those Greek streets.

Okay, seriously, Asher's just in shorts and a shirt, but hot damn, he's making that casual look like a runway show. How does he manage to pull off effortlessly cool? I'm low-key swooning while we're just strolling around. My husband can turn simple into stunning.

There I am, subtly checking out Mr. Hotness in casual mode, when Asher totally catches me. Smooth, Addy, real smooth. He smirks and goes, "Ready?"
"Born ready, but you knew that, didn't you?"

We meandered through Santorini's maze-like streets, stumbled upon hidden cafes, and watched the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. We explored, laughed, and just soaked in the magic of this place. From quirky street performances to cozy spots with a view, it's like Santorini whispered its secrets to us, making this day an adventure etched in our story.

As the day bid farewell, we decided to catch the sunset on the beach. The sand beneath our feet, waves serenading the shore, it was pure poetry. Hand in hand, we watched the sun dip, setting the sky ablaze. In that moment, with the salty breeze and Asher by my side, the world felt beautifully still. Santorini's sunset, a canvas of warmth, etching memories that lingered like a gentle, lingering kiss.

I caught Asher in full-on protective mode, giving these guys the death stare. I follow his gaze, and yep, there's a group checking me out like I'm a museum exhibit. Out of nowhere, Asher bends down and plants a kiss on my neck, and I'm like, "Whoa, what's that for?"

Asher's got this cheeky grin after kissing my neck. "Just claiming what's mine," he says. I can't help but roll my eyes, but there's something about the possessiveness that's oddly endearing.Feeling all cute and cozy, I nudge Asher, "Hey, Captain, how 'bout a selfie?" He chuckles, agrees, and we end up capturing a moment where Santorini's magic blends with our goofy smiles.

The result? Pure goofiness, goofy grins, and some legit heart eyes. I mean, we may not be Instagram models, but those pics are a whole mood – our mood, filled with laughter and love. We're in this intense gaze, faces inching closer, and out of the blue, Asher asks, "Can I?" I nod giving my approval.

Our lips finally meet, and it's like this magnetic force pulling us in. There's a moment – soft and electric – as our lips fit together like they were made for this. The world fades away, and it's just us, moving in sync.

Okay, things just went from zero to spicy. Asher, with that look, glides his tongue on my bottom lip like he's got some secret code. He whispers, "Open for me," and, well, who am I to argue? As our tongues tango in this sweet, daring dance, it's like Santorini itself blushed.

We break the kiss, both a bit breathless, and our foreheads meet. We pull away, both of us wearing these goofy smiles that refuse to fade.  I can't stop grinning, and neither can Asher.

"I'm not gonna stop kissing you." Well, excuse me while my heart does a happy dance. I just shoot him this playful look, "Bring it on, Captain Kiss-a-Lot!"

And just like that, our lips meet again. Asher keeps his word, and it's like Santorini itself is cheering for us. Another kiss, a sweet continuation of this newfound rhythm.

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