Chapter 16

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I didn't expect to see Asher in my office and didn't even imagine him telling me that he missed me

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I didn't expect to see Asher in my office and didn't even imagine him telling me that he missed me.His words caught me off guard, and a wave of surprise washed over me. A nervous chuckle escaped Asher's lips, and he quickly added, "Just kidding," as if trying to downplay the sincerity in his words."Very funny," I retorted with a forced smile, masking the impact of his words on my racing heart.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned Asher, my curiosity tinged with a mix of surprise and uncertainty. He answered with a straight face " I want to take you for lunch".His unexpected request for lunch left me momentarily puzzled, and my mind raced with questions. As I looked at Asher, I couldn't help but wonder about the intentions behind this invitation, and a subtle curiosity danced in my eyes.

Asher clarified, "It's more for publicity, you know?" I nodded in understanding, concealing the complexity of my thoughts behind a composed facade. "Sure, let's do lunch," I replied, the words carrying the weight of unspoken sentiments.

I went to my desk to take my mobile and purse. Turning around, I found Asher standing unexpectedly close, and in my surprise, I lost my balance. Swiftly, he reached out, catching me by the waist, his touch both steadying and electrifying. It was a moment where the world seemed to pause, and I couldn't deny the magnetic pull that lingered between us.

His face inched towards mine, and with a gentle touch, Asher removed the pen from my hair, letting it cascade down. In that intimate moment, he whispered, "Better," his breath sending shivers down my spine. His eyes darkened as our proximity intensified and his face inched further closer to mine.

Our moment, charged with unspoken tension, was abruptly disrupted by the intrusive ring of Asher's phone.We awkwardly moved apart, clearing our throats, as Asher answered the persistent call on his phone.Asher's gaze returned to me after his call, and he asked, "Ready to go?" I nodded, trying to shake off the lingering tension.

I informed Asher that I would take my car, wanting to maintain a sense of distance. "You know, it might be better if we go together. Just to avoid any unnecessary suspicions." Asher replied.I paused, assessing the situation, before finally nodding in agreement. "Sure, we wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Just to be clear, Asher, this doesn't change anything between us. We're doing this for appearances, right?" Asher replied with a smirk "Absolutely, Blue. Just appearances." Sitting in the passenger seat of Asher's car, the engine's gentle hum accompanied the rhythmic journey to the restaurant.

Curiosity tugging at my thoughts, I asked him "Asher, where are we going for lunch?" Asher's reply, delivered with a cryptic smile, only deepened the mystery. As we pulled up to my favorite restaurant, I couldn't help but be surprised.Inquisitively, I turned to Asher and asked, "How did you know this is my favorite restaurant?" A faint smile played on Asher's lips as he responded, "I have my sources, blue."
"Not bad," I replied with a playful smirk.

The laughter echoed through the car as Asher and I shared a moment of genuine joy.We laughed until the air felt lighter. After a moment Asher turned towards me and said "Blue,don't open the door," and he swiftly got out of the car and walked over to my side, opening the door for me.

He offered his hand and I hesitated only for a moment before placing my hand in his, and he helped me out of the car.As we entered the restaurant, Asher's hand found its way to the small of my back, guiding us smoothly to our reserved table. The touch, though seemingly casual, sent a shiver down my spine. His fingers lingered for a moment longer than necessary.

The restaurant's interior was a symphony of warm hues and subdued lighting, casting an intimate glow over the well-appointed tables. The ambiance exuded an air of sophistication, with soft music weaving through the air like a subtle dance.As we placed our orders, the conversation flowed effortlessly between us. We made small talk throughout the lunch.

Maya approached our table, a storm cloud of anger brewing in her eyes. Great, just fucking great. Maya's gaze pierced through me with a mix of disbelief and disdain. Her voice, laced with a hint of sarcasm, cut through the air as she directed her question to Asher. "So, the news about your engagement is indeed true?"

Maya's disapproving words cut through the air, and I couldn't escape the weight of her judgment. "I expected better from you, Asher," she declared, her disappointment palpable. Asher's temper flared, and his eyes hardened in response to Maya's judgment. In a protective stance, he retorted, "This is none of your business, Maya. Don't pretend you have a say in my life."

He looked directly at Maya, his voice firm, "Addy is better than you in every way. She's genuine,kind, smart, successful, independent ,caring, and real – qualities you seem to have forgotten."  In that moment, I felt an unexpected surge of both vulnerability and pride. He caught my hand and informed me that we're leaving.

With a steely gaze, I shot a warning at Maya, "Stay away from my guy."

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