Chapter 3: The War Dragon

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"Unchain her."

My breath caught in my throat and I stopped staring at the dragon shrinking into the darkening sky. Prince Cole snapped his fingers at one of the guards.

All around the amphitheater, people were recovering from the unexpected presence of the dragon. At the moment that I thought the beast was going to eat me, I wasn't afraid. Now that he'd flown off, I was surprised by how relieved I felt until the War Dragon started giving orders.

The guard quickly unlocked my shackles and I stepped away from the post, rubbing my raw wrists. I kept my head bowed and eyes down. Until the collar was removed, I was still a slave.

"Your Majesty, this girl still belongs to me. If your intention isn't to purchase her, then I must insist that her chains be put back on."

My master pointed a fat finger in my face. I took a deep breath but didn't react. Any reaction would be bad.

"I'm taking her to be my personal attendant."

"That is... are you sure you want a mere slave for that honor?"

"Weren't you the one telling us all what a great treasure she is?"

The prince glared sharply at my master. He recoiled and nodded vigorously.

"Yes, yes. Of course."

"Good. Then our business is finished. I want her transported to the palace, immediately."

I was to be the War Dragon's personal attendant. My heart clenched and I shifted from one foot to the other. Waiting on royalty was not something I was trained for and with the Crowned Prince's reputation... there were worse fates than death if I disappointed him.

Even a sheltered slave like me who spent my whole life on the opposite side of the kingdom from the capital knew of the fearsome War Dragon's reputation. I heard whispers of how he and his crimson dragon burned entire armies alive, dropping down from the skies and decimating them with flame.

Prince Cole and Talon led the royal army to conquer five smaller countries in just a few years. The way I heard it, he lived and breathed war and death, and he loved it. Everyone I talked to respected and feared him. They said a man like that is born to kill. No amount of training can turn someone into a warrior who loves to kill and destroy.

If he was that proficient of a killer, what would he do to me if I didn't meet his needs?

"My apologies, Your Majesty, but we have not settled on a price for the girl." My slave master's words pulled me from my thoughts.

I stepped back just in time for the prince to whip around. He stood tall, menacing over my master. The shorter, fatter man shrank down in a crouch, sniveling. I couldn't believe I'd ever been afraid of him.

"And are you going to be the one to tell the crimson dragon that you're denying him his prize?"

My master trembled visibly and shook his head. "No. Please, take her. She's all yours."

The prince nodded to a few guards and they swarmed around me, ushering me out of the amphitheater. I wasn't in chains anymore but the salve collar hadn't been removed. I hooked my finger around the iron binding. My master was the one who put it on when I was a girl. He was the only one who could take it off.

The collar was magically designed and only the hand that put it on could remove it. If I tried to run, it would incapacitate me with violent electrical volts. I hadn't tried that since I was thirteen.

I was transported to the palace with a group of guards. As they rushed me through the main courtyard, I barely had time to take it all in but what I could tell was that the palace was massive.

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