Chapter 5: The Curse of Curiosity

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I stared at the steaming surface of the bathwater. How long had it been since I took a real bath? Years. Most of the time, all I had access to was some damp cloths to quickly freshen up.

The water looked so enticing, the way little bubbles frothed on the surface and steam rose into the room. I noticed several bottles of soap and scented oils lining the bathtub. A prince had to have some exquisite soaps on hand.

I chewed the inside of my cheek and glanced toward the bathroom door. He was still in the room beyond. I hadn't heard another door open or close.

There was nothing for it. The bath was too tempting to go to waste. I slipped behind the changing screen and peeled my dress off. The fabric was scratchy and tough. It was made to last so my master wouldn't need to spend money on new clothes for me.

The dress was a neutral beige, the color of undyed fabric. There was no sense in wasting luxurious resources like dye and soft fabric on someone like me. I wasn't there to be looked at or appreciated.

It was designed to last, but after years of wear and use, my dress had several small holes and tears in it. It was stained with dirt and muck. I happily tossed it in a heap on the floor and slid into the tub.

"Thank the Dragon," I muttered, sinking into the delicious, warm water until just my eyes were above the surface.

I grabbed a sponge and ran it over my skin, loosening all the dirt that clung to me. As I lifted my leg and started scrubbing, I was pulled from my enjoyment when a door snapped closed.

Prince Cole left me alone in his quarters.

I bit my lower lip and grabbed the soap bottles. I popped the tops off and smelled them. Each one was more divine than the last. Giddily, I poured the sweetest-smelling soap into my hands and lathered it around my fingers. I tackled my hair, working out years of tangles and knots.

It took a long time for me to get my hair smooth and silky and my skin rosy and clean. I didn't want to leave the warm, relaxing embrace of the bath. Closing my eyes, I leaned into the curve of the tub and rested.

In all that time, I didn't hear the prince return. It was strange being left alone. I couldn't remember the last time I hadn't had someone's eyes on me. Whether it was my master, the foreman with his whip, or the women of the house who picked on me because I was younger than them.

When my fingers and toes were so pruned they ached, I got out of the tub. I found a folded robe on a nearby shelf and slipped it on, rubbing it against my skin to dry off the water.

The prince told me there would be a new outfit for me in the other room. I tied the robe tightly around myself and found my way to the parlor. I was expecting a new beige dress of the same harsh material I'd worn my whole life.

Draped over the back of one of the couches, I found a shimmering, pale green dress. I narrowed my eyes. That dress couldn't be for me.

Timidly, I reached out. Quickly I glanced from side to side, expecting someone to be watching. I was still alone. My fingers fell on the shimmering fabric. It was soft and silky, the finest garment I'd ever touched in my life.

I picked up the dress and it practically slipped through my fingers like water. I gasped and clutched it tighter. This had to be a mistake.

I looked around again but there was no other dress laid out. What if I put the dress on and it wasn't meant for me? When the prince came back, he'd be furious. And after how he treated his concubine... but if he came back and I wasn't dressed...

My fingers clenched around the silk fabric and I returned to the bathroom. The dress was so soft and delightful as it fluttered over my skin. The silk kissed my stomach and legs, rippling into place, and settling on my hips and around my body.

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