Chapter 7: What Use Are You?

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I reached for my fork, despite my plate being empty. How was I supposed to answer the prince's question? I just told him, foolishly, that I sabotaged an order from my former master.

My eyes shifted side to side and my heart rate ticked up. It felt like there was something more to his question. He knew I had magic but if he was asking what I could do to be useful, it wasn't my magic he was interested in.

I flicked my eyes toward the corner where I hid while the prince dismissed his concubine. It was no secret that he had one concubine at a time until he got bored. He had me clean up, dress nicely, and eat well.

If the War Dragon wanted me to be his next concubine, I was not in a position to refuse.

Instinctively, I touched the collar on my neck, running my fingertips along the cool metal.

The prince scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself. You're a bag of skin and bones."

I bowed my head. His insult unexpectedly stung. I'd been in so few positions to receive compliments in my life, especially on my physical appearance.

"My former master prized me for my magical abilities."

"Yes, and you purposefully went against your former master to thwart a spell. How is that going to be useful to me?"

I swallowed hard. He was right. What use was a magical slave that spoiled spells?

"I would not make the same mistake under your supervision."

He narrowed his eyes at me. The way he kept looking at me it felt like he was trying to figure me out. He was trying to read my thoughts and to get into my head. Unfortunately, I doubted he'd find anything of interest in there.

"No, you wouldn't," Prince Cole hissed between his teeth. "Tell me more about your magical accomplishments."

My shoulders relaxed and I leaned back in the chair. That seemed like a harmless conversation.

"I discovered my magic when I was five years old. My mother..." I paused and looked at my lap. "I was younger than most when I found my magic. She trained me for a few years."

"She was a free mage?"

I nodded. "When she passed away, I was still young and vulnerable. It wasn't long before..." I touched the collar on my neck again.

I hadn't spoken of my mother since the last day I'd seen her alive. No one ever asked me about my past and there was never a reason to bring her up.

"Your former master had other magical slaves. Why keep a child?"

"I fought back. I think he thought he could use that to his advantage."

"You fought back?" A small frown touched the prince's lips.

"With magic."

His frown deepened even more.

I recognized the look in his eyes. It was disappointment. He didn't give me that look when I told him I defied my former master. Somehow, the rest of the story disappointed him more.

"You're proficient in offensive magic, battle magic, then?"

"My mother taught me some, along with defensive magic. I was my former master's bodyguard above all else."

"Then you must be rather powerful."

I shrugged. "I can't say one way or the other, Your Majesty. I've never met any free mages besides my mother."

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