Chapter 16: The Point of No Return

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Author's Note: This chapter contains depictions of violence and death that may be upsetting to some readers. 


Talon's feet hit the ground and he grunted. I slid down his shoulder and landed in a crouch, my bent knees absorbing the force.

Wyatt stood a few feet away in full armor. His curved sword hanging at his side. He crossed his arms as I straightened.

"What happened?"

"Stivalia mages formed a raiding party. They took out one of our smaller encampments to the north."

I arched an eyebrow. "Took out?"

Wyatt nodded his face like a stone statue. "No one survived. The entire encampment was leveled. They didn't hold back."

"Then it's an act of war."

Talon grumbled and nudged the back of my head with his nose. They want to provoke a confrontation.

"Then they've succeeded."

"Prince Cole, we need to tread carefully here. Once we engage the mages, Telasia will be at war with Stivalia, is that really what you want?"

I sniffed and slapped Talon's shoulder. He lowered his stomach to the ground and made himself comfortable.

"I know of one king who will be thrilled at the prospect."

Wyatt shook his head. "This isn't the answer."

"The reality is, they declared war on us. We're not on Stivalia lands. We're not even bordering their territories. No move has been made against them and they sneak into an encampment in the middle of the night and destroy unsuspecting warriors. It's barbaric."

"Then we should retaliate, but not by causing a war."

"I am the War Dragon." I grinned.

Talon yawned, the air crackling with heat from his breath. War is all but inevitable with a provocative enemy. Perhaps the question you should be concerned with is why that is their end goal.

"Talon's right. We should know why Stivalia is dead set on fighting a war with the greatest military power in the realm." I nodded.

"None of the mages will betray their king or country."

I smirked and clapped Wyatt on the shoulder. "Oh, how little faith you have. Together, we can break anyone."

A smile tugged at Wyatt's lips. "Then we will hunt some mages. I'll assemble a strike force."

"No." I held my hand up. "You, me and Talon. King Verill will have sent his most powerful magical warriors. The army isn't ready to handle this. They'll just slow us down."

"Lead the way." Wyatt held his arm out away from the camp.

Talon, fly above the clouds, and stay out of sight. Tell me what you see.

The dragon grunted and rose to his full height, his knee and elbow joints creaking. What am I looking for?

The mages will be in a group of four or six. They'll attempt to keep to the shadows but after their perceived victory, they won't be able to resist showing off.

Talon trumpeted one loud bugle and spread his wings. The down sweep threw me back and I braced my foot against the ground.

"We should prepare a room for our guest."

Wyatt motioned to the edge of camp. "There's a tent on the outskirts I use for such occasions."

I frowned. "You do this without me?"

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