Chapter 15: Downtime

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With breakfast, I received another note from the prince that he'd be gone for several days and I was free to spend my time as I pleased.

I took my time with my breakfast and soaked in a warm bath after. I ran a silky, smooth bar of soap up and down my legs and across my stomach. Without meaning to, my mind wandered to the night when the prince appeared before me with a robe practically falling off his body. I closed my eyes and relaxed deeper into the tub, my skin tingling with warmth.

The soap slipped from my hand and I sat bolt upright, panting. What was I doing? That was a night I wanted to forget, not drudge up.

Flushed, and horrified with myself, I dressed without even drying off. My sopping wet hair slapped against my back and soaked through to my skin. My dress stuck to my skin. Discomfort, that's what I wanted to remember when I thought of that night in the prince's bathroom.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I snapped my head to the door. The last time I had a visitor, it was Dulcey and she hadn't been the most pleasant guest. Who else would come to visit?


Sighing, my shoulders eased. It was Rosalie's voice.

I pulled the door open and she came right in, a big, friendly smile on her face and a basket hanging over her arm.

"I heard my brother was gone again, which means you've got some free time. I packed us a picnic lunch and there's this gorgeous place behind the palace I want to take you."

"Yes, Your Highness. I will make the arrangements for your outing."

Rosalie tossed her head back, her strawberry hair bouncing. "No, silly, you're coming with me for the company. I already had the servants arrange it. Morganna will be joining us too, is that alright?"

"I'm sorry... the company?"

"Sure. There aren't a lot of women in the palace I can spend time with. I have no sisters and most of the women of the court think I'm inferior because I'm the War Dragon's younger sister."

I glanced from side to side. It was very unorthodox, a princess wanting to spend time with a slave. Rosalie had shown me kindness and she seemed genuine but, in the palace, I doubted that meant much.

"Please." Rosalie pouted. "I don't want to picnic alone. Besides, my brother says you're not afraid of dragons. No one else will spend time with Morganna."

"A-alright." I nodded.

Rosalie squealed and bounced on the balls of her feet. She looped her arm through mine and pulled me out the door.

"It would be highly inappropriate to be friends with a maid or the other servants. As my father has pointed out. He thinks they would take advantage of my kindness. But you're my brother's personal attendant. He can't have a problem with that." She chattered as we walked.

And also, a slave. She didn't need to say that but there was no way a woman in my position could take advantage of a princess's kindness. I had no standing and no leverage.

Rosalie brought me through the central courtyards of the palace and to the well-manicured grounds beyond. Other than the gardens of Prince Cole's wing, I barely got outside and I hadn't seen much of the palace grounds.

We walked along a gravel path through clipped lawns. The path led to the edge of a glassy surfaced pond. Dragonflies dipped and buzzed over the water's surface and lily flowers kissed the top of the water, blooming in the bright sun. On the other side of the pond, large trees stretched to the sky, shadows lurking between the trunks.

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