Chapter 31: Politics

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Whump. Whump. Whump.

Talon's wings beat against the air, propelling us further and further from the palace. The sun set behind me, twilight rays smoldering against my back.

The winds are favorable. We'll be in Stivalia by morning, Talon reported.

Good. I admit, I was pleasantly surprised by King Verill's willingness to see me.

Are you sure it should be a pleasant surprise?

I chuckled and ran my palm along Talon's silky, scaled neck. I'll be on my guard. King Verill has a lot to answer for and I'm sure he'll do and say anything to get out of it.

In the sky ahead of us, stars began to blink into existence against a deep, blue backdrop. I directed Talon toward one star in particular. It would lead us to the capital of Stivalia, Dregion, and the Sarcon family castle.

You didn't have to leave the country to get away from her, Talon told me.

What are you talking about?

Sabine. She's been on your mind.

She draws too much attention from everyone.

That's not why she's been on your mind. You think about her warmth and her softness.

Which is why I took this opportunity to get out of the palace and her out of my head. You bringing her up defeats the whole purpose. 

Talon grumbled a low growl. I didn't want to think about my personal attendant. Leaving the country didn't seem like it was enough distance. 

As Talon predicted, we arrived over the castle while the sky was tinged with a warm, golden glow. The entire city was silent with slumber.

In slow, lazy circles, around the castle, Talon drifted down. His sharp claws clicked when he landed on the stone drawbridge. Several guards stood at the front gate, spears pointed toward Talon like that would be enough to hold off a dragon.

I scoffed and brushed some dust from my shoulder. Wait here. One way or another, I don't expect this to take long. I slid off his back and landed in a crouch.

"At ease." I held up my hand to the guards. "King Verill has agreed to an audience with me. Please inform him that Crowned Prince Cole Agyion is here for an audience."

The guards stared at Talon, spears still raised. One of them trembled slightly.

Shall I shock them out of their shock? Talon huffed and smoke rose from his nostrils.

As entertaining as that would be, we are here on a peaceful mission. Try finding a perch up in the mountains. I nodded to the mountain range behind the castle.

Talon grunted and rose up on his haunches. The guards uttered small cries and hid behind their spears. He barely took notice of them before launching into the air and finding a stone outcropping to perch on.

"I hope you know he's more dangerous up there." I pointed to his new location and looked at the guards. "He can pounce on you anywhere in the city."


The guards noticed me for the first time and in a flurry, they bowed down.

"Your Majesty Prince Cole," one blubbered.

"As I said before, I'm here to see your king."

"Yes, right away. I will inform him of your arrival." The one guard ran off ahead and the other two escorted me through the drawbridge gate toward the castle doors.

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