Chapter 21: Eye Of The Tiger

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It's rare.

Apart from me, very few students have the balls to talk about my brother like Beck just did.

It's a risky situation for him, I'm not gonna lie. My brother is a raging psycho who's not afraid to get blood on his hands. I'd be fearful if I were him, that's the truth.

Having said that, what he spoke was so entertaining. I'm not used to people criticizing Quentin in front of him. I snorted so loudly, I almost got out of breath. Of course I had to agree with Beck. I really don't know what Cassie sees in my brother, but who can explain love?

Certainly not the boy who has never been in love with.

All I have is a toxic hidden sexual relationship with my brother's best friend. And that is only because he came on to me. You know how the cliché goes. One day, Jalensky got drunk [inside my house] and found his way into my room.

I wanted to resist him, but he's scorchingly attractive. By far, he has one of the best male physiques I've ever seen from people our age. I was lonely and he was interested, though I probably should never have allowed him to treat me the way he does in public.

It's bad enough my brother is a homophobic prick, I don't need this from other people too.

Now I know people have said before that Kingsley is into me. I'm not blind, I've noticed the way he looks at me sometimes. The problem is that I don't find him the least bit attractive.

I know we are one of the few out students in our grade, but that doesn't mean we have to date each other just because we're both queer. It doesn't work that way. Though I like him and find him to be a lovely boy, he just doesn't do it for me.

I know there's a high chance he's gonna be my mate because he's an omega, but let's cross that bridge when we get there. Like I said, he's not the only omega in school.

As we leave the classroom for the next period, my brother approaches Beck with a threatening gaze.

"If you think dating my brother gives you some sort of immunity from me, you're sorely mistaken. You're going down, fairy. You should know by now how to keep your mouth shut!" - He threatened, glaring daggers at him.

Beck gulped from this.

"No, I don't think anything can grant me immunity from you. I just don't know why you have to be such a dick to–"

Before he could finish that sentence, Quentin punched him so hard he tumbled back on top of the desk and fell backwards. It happened so fast, no one had time to react. Before we knew it, Beck was on the floor crying in pain.

As if he took pleasure in seeing him distraught like that, Quentin kicked Beck while he was still down causing blood to spill from the boy.

"I've told you to shut the fuck up! Next time you open your mouth, I'm gonna kill you." - He snarled at him, angrily.

All of us were appalled by this scene, as my brother left the classroom like nothing happened. I rushed to help him up and offered to take him to the infirmary. The injured boy took a seat for a minute and began weeping.

It broke my heart to see him like that.

"I know I brought this upon myself, I don't know why I had to open my big mouth..." - He muttered under his breath, feeling down.

I raised his head to my eyesight and spoke firmly to him.

"You DID NOT bring this upon yourself, Beck. No one has the right to harm you no matter what you say. He was wrong, not you." - I told him, feeling a rage creeping in.

Mean Streak (BoyxBoy Werewolf Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz