Chapter 68: Savage

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I didn't think this through.

I was in such a high from my trip to Dallas with Quentin. We had such a blast over there that I didn't think about the consequences of our actions. Of MY actions in regards to my second mate.

It goes without saying that I did NOT intend to go on that trip to sleep with my second mate. In fact, I was pretty adamant we would only share a room, nothing more. In all honesty, I didn't even consider that we'd share a bed. In my mind, we would get a two beds room in the hotel.

But alas I couldn't keep my hands to myself. Quentin made his play and won me over. I don't know why but I couldn't resist him for the life of me. Yes, he flaunted his naked body in front of me. But I've already seen a nude boy who looks just like him. That shouldn't have affected me the way it did.

Well, there's no point debating over the spilled milk now. And there was quite some spilling.

I probably should have taken into account that my arm bruises from plunging my elongated fangs into it would take a while to heal. We're not talking about a simple wound here. Werewolf teeth are no joke and it cuts deep.

I didn't mean for the truth to be revealed like that to Jude. I honestly was just careless and didn't expect his visit, though I probably should have. This whole situation is a mess and there's nothing I can do now.

I'm deeply sorry for his feelings to have been hurt, but I can't tiptoe around the issue anymore. It's not my fault to have been mated to his brother as well, all I can do is to try to move on with my life.

How is that going to work with two twin brothers battling it out for my attention?

Fuck if I know. All I know is that I had a blast with Quentin and I'm not exactly repenting what we did in Dallas. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I can't help the way I feel and I want some more of that. Fuck, that was so hot!

Now we're back to Ruckerford Falls and as soon as Quentin dropped me off at the pack house, I went to talk to my mother. I needed to check in with her and what she intends to do for the upcoming holidays.

Oh yeah, it's Christmas' Eve. That's why Quentin had to drive us early in the morning so that we'd return here to spend the day with our family. As expected, my mom told me that we were invited to spend the family holiday with the Ashmores.

You know, Beta Ashmore, his mate and the broken hearted Elaine. Traditionally, they spend the night with the Alpha family together here in the pack house. It's a way for them to avoid having to cook Christmas dinner. The pack house employs cooks, they don't have that kind of luxury.

Plus both of their families are long standing friends. You can't get much closer in this town than Alpha and Beta, so it makes sense for their families to enjoy this holiday together.

I'm actually looking forward to that. Correction, I was really looking forward to sharing this night with them, but now I'm just dreading seeing Jude. I know he 's hurt. I don't take this lightly. But I can't fight the moonlight. We already established that.

After Jude stormed off the pack house, I went back to my room and felt bad about the situation. This doesn't bring any pleasure to me, on the contrary. But now that I have spoken to my mother and know of her plans, things will only get worse.

Tick tock.

After commiserating for a few hours, I decided to take matters into my own hands and took my mother's car to the Alpha residence. It's late in the afternoon, so there's plenty of time before we celebrate Christmas.

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