Chapter 96: Music of My Heart

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This is a lot to process.

Not only am I pregnant with twins, but they were gestated at different times.

Not only did the abortion completely fall through, I got impregnated yet once again. Though the timeline suggests those things are unrelated, meaning I probably got pregnant again even before I drank the tea.

In my mind, the only explanation possible for any of this is that Quentin couldn't be left behind since I was pregnant with Jude's baby and he got himself in the ring once he knotted me. That is the only theory that makes sense to me, though to be fair this could just as easily be Jude's second baby. He knotted me as well.

I'm so beyond gobsmacked by all this information that I'm lost for words.

At first, I wanted to slap Quentin really badly because I had it in my head that the second baby was his fault. It had to be, but I'm not a scientist, a doctor or even a biologist. We are charting new territory here and we really have no idea whose child I'm carrying.

I mean, whose second child I'm gestating. We all know one of them can only be Jude's.

But you know what? Determining the fatherhood of my baby is the least of my concerns.

What really matters is that I'm still pregnant and if I want to go through with a legal abortion, I have to make the decision sooner rather than later. Right. About that... despite everything that happened to me so far, I can only look at this as if it were a blessing in disguise. Maybe even a blessing from the Goddess herself.

I have no idea how to deal with twins, nor do I have a dime to my name to provide for them. But I'm sure the baby daddies will work something out. The good thing is that I'm not alone in this. I have my mom and the Atwoods on my corner.

Mom has made it abundantly clear to me that she would respect my decision, whatever it was. She would be there for me, no matter what, in the same way she has been doing from the moment I was born.

I'm emotional right now. I'm not ready to be a father. I'm only seventeen years old, for Goddess' sake! Why would this be happening to me right now?

My mates are worried about my mental state. In the days that followed my hospital visit, I was apathetic, depressed, unresponsive. It took me a while to cope with this devastating news, but they gave me space to deal with it. I mean, they had to. I was not in the mood to talk to anyone.

Kingsley has comforted me since he was told the news, but he doesn't know the full extent of it just yet. No one in school does. Only our families are aware, as far as I'm concerned. Though I have been getting suspicious slash worried looks from my classmates.

I am far from being the life of the party, but I'm usually a chipper mood kind of boy.

The following Saturday, I was supposed to have lunch with the Atwoods, so I took the morning after breakfast to talk to my mom about my decision. I went to her room and we discussed the next steps I'd have to take. As expected, she was incredibly understanding and supportive of me.

I love her so much, I couldn't have survived this far without her. Literally.

She never once wavered in offering her love and support. With my father being who he is, I really appreciate her now more than ever. I'm gonna need her a lot in the coming months. Like I've never needed her before.

Jude drove me to his house where his parents were happy to see me, though clearly worried for me and this delicate situation. It's like I can hear them thinking, but the awkwardness has only begun.

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