back to school

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Today, we're back to school. It's the first day.

I'm only glad about being back because I haven't seen much of Laim

I go to my locker, take everything I need then close it. Then I see Kai standing there like a weirdo

"Hello love"  he says and smirks

"Hi" I say and give him a smile "Have you talked to Hazel since the break up?"

"No. I haven't seen her around" Kai says and looks around

"Me neither" I say, then sigh "I think she's avoiding me"

"No, I think she's just busy" Kai says and tucks my hair behind my ear

Right after he said that, Hazel walks in. But not alone. With Amelia and her friends. I wave to her but she acts as if she doesn't know me

"Busy?" I say and raising my eyebrows

Just as Kai want to says something, Henry comes

"Hey blue" Henry says and kisses me on the cheek

"Wait, if your here" Kai points at me "and Henry just came in, and I'm standing here knowing you didn't come with me, and Hazel just ignored you, then how did you come to school"

It looks like Kai just broke his brain

"You forgot about Laim and Sam dropped me of. He has a car now" I say

"Laim isn't even here yet" Kai says

Laim comes in

"Hey guys" Laim says and stands with us

"Hi" I greet him with the biggest smile on my face, then hug him "I haven't seen you in forever dude"

He chuckles

"Brand new man" Henry says and ruffles his hair

The bell rings

"Nooooo" Kai says disappointed and walks to class

Me and Henry have class together so we went to our class and Laim went to his

(Three periods go by)

Me and Sky have class together now and sadly, Hazel is gonna be in there two

When I'm about to walk to class, I see Sky and Henry arguing

I walk over to them
"What's going on?" I ask concerned

"I can't do this right now. I'm going to class" Sky says and walks away

I look at Henry
"What's going on?" I ask again

"She's just being an annoying bitch"

How dare he say that. How could he say that. Without thinking I punch him in the face

"Don't you ever say that about Sky again" I punch him again "She's your girlfriend man. Respect her."

I walk away before he could do anything

When I get to class, I go and sit beside Sky. She's look down, fidgeting with her hands

"Hey. What's going on between you two?" I ask

"I don't want to talk right" Sky says, not looking at me

The lesson goes on and now it's lunch.
Me and Sky walk together to the cafeteria. After getting food we sit at our usual lunch table. I'm sitting next to her.
I will not allow Henry to sit next to her

"Come to my house after school" I say

"Ok" Sky says.

Henry sits on the other side of the table with Laim

"Where's Hazel?" Henry asks

"Hazel ditched us" Sky says, looking at her food.

I can hear it in her voice she wants to cry, but it's also filled with anger

The day goes by and Sky and I go to my house. Then we go to my room

"Okay, so what happened between you and Henry, and you and Hazel" I ask

"I don't know what happened between Hazel and I, but the Henry thing. It stared in class. He started ignoring me, so I asked what's wrong and he said nothing. Then I told him that I'm here if he needs to talk and that communication is good. Then he started being rude about it and that I don't share things with him and that I don't even feel comfortable with him and us having sex, and when the bell rang he still continued." Sky says, with a few voice cracks

That piece of shit.

"I don't even have Hazel to cry to." She says as tears falls from her face

"I'm here. You can cry to me. I'll always listen, okay" I say

She nods yes

"I really hope Hazel and I find our way back." Sky says and looks down, then looks up again "I really don't have alot female friends, which is kinda sad" Sky chuckles

"I'll be your female friend" I say

She looks at me, like I'm crazy
"No offense, but I don't think you would wanna talk about how beautiful some men are and how we want them to.." She poses for a moment "don't worry about that. Anyway my point is, I don't think you understand that girls talk about some crazy things and I don't think you would wanna hear it.

"Tell me one thing that would make me uncomfortable in a girl's conversation" I say, crossing my arms

"Okay. Well. I have a problem. I think I'm drowning for green apple and I think I'm busy being back on my feet for pineapple because he's a smelly sock." Sky said. Then raises her eyebrows

"Was that girl language or something" I ask, confused

"No, Just a lot of code things. Well actually it's not that difficult to understand. It's just the "green apple" and "pineapple" code names I wouldn't expect you to now"

"Code names? For who?" I ask

"Their called code names for a reason you idiot" Sky says and gives a small giggle "I'm not telling you"

"Okay but that doesn't count. How am I supposed to know what you said, or meant?" 

"Well shame. That was your only test and you failed" Sky says and smirks

"That's not fair" I say and start tickling her.

She starts laughing and tries to pull away. Her laugh is beautiful. It has a raspy touch to it.


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