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After the talk we had at Kai's house, we all had our fun then went home.

I'm so glad me and Hazel are friends again. I've missed her so much.

She told me that she told Amelia that just because they made peace with each other doesn't mean that their friends again, so basically Amelia is going to leave Hazel alone.

Right now we're sitting at our usual lunch table. Talking and laughing. I love how things are back to normal

"Do you think you would die if you ate poop?" Kai asks

That is such a weird and random question.

"Dude, why do wanna know? Do wanna eat poop?" Laim says, sounding very concerned about Kai

"No. I just want to know." Kai answered

I don't believe him. He's an odd person, so I wouldn't be surprised if he asked because he "accidentally" ate poop

"No, I don't think you would die but you'd probably get very sick" Hazel answers Kai's question

A few minutes later, the bell rang. Me and Kai have class together so we walk together

We walk in the classroom and sit next to each other. The teacher then walks in aswell and starts teaching

"You're coming to my house" Kai whispers in my ear

"Okay.. but i have dance so after that" I say, trying to take notes.


After school I went to dance with Kai then went to his house. When we arrive, I went to his room and sat on his bed

"Do you wanna stay with me?" Kai asked super fast "I mean if you want. I feel like it would be better for you, because you're almost always home alone, and I want you to feel safe. Plus my parents are never home"

I look at him like he's crazy, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I'd wouldn't mind to staying with Kai.

I nod yes
"Yeah, but I need to ask my mom"

"No problem"

After that we just talked and played video games


The next day

I walk into school and I when see Kai, I practically run over to him

"My mom said yes" I say super exitedly

"That's great. What about you start moving your things tomorrow" he says with the biggest smile I've ever seen



Today I just finished moving in with Kai.  My room is right next his.
We're watching a movie right now.

"Hey. I'm gonna go get ready for bed. I'm getting kinda sleepy" I say, as I stand up

"Okay" Kai says, then turns the TV of "I'm going to bed aswell"

We go to our rooms.

I go into the bathroom. I head to the sink and put some of my face washing product on my hand

When I'm done washing my face, I put my pj's on. It's a oversized purple shirt and just my underwear

I walk to Kai's room to tell him goodnight. I knock on his door.

"Come in" Kai says

I open the door and just stand there. I see Kai standing there with only boxers.

"I just wanted to say goodnight" i say with a tiny smile, trying not look anywhere else but his face

"Goodnight love" Kai says

I close his door then go back to my room. I get in bed.


Three hours later

I can't sleep. I keep having these terrible dreams.

I'm going to go check if Kai's already sleeping

When I get to his door, I give a light knock on his door

"Come in."

I'm so relieved he's awake

I open his door and go to his bed.

"Sorry if I woke you up" I say, sitting on his bed

"No, don't worry. You didn't wake me up." Kai says calmly

"Can I sleep with you maybe. I can't fall asleep" I say

He smiles
"Yes, of course love" Kai says then signals to me to get in his bed

When I get in bed, he raps his hands around me. I then put my head under his chin and my arms around him

"Goodnight love" Kai says then kisses my head

"Goodnight" I say amd close my eyes


When I wake up, I see Kai's awake

"Morning" I say with a smile on my face

"Morning love" Kai says. He sounded so excited to say Morning to me

"I'm quickly going brush my teeth. I don't wanna bother you with Morning breath" I say as I get up

"I don't mind your Morning breath" Kai says

After I'm done I find Kai sat up, leaning his back againt the headset of his bed

"Before you say anything about my breath , I already did brush my teeth" Kai says

I give him a smile and then sit on his lap in a straddle position.

Kai looks shocked at the way I'm sitting on him, but he doesn't say anything. Instead he grabs my butt and pushes me closer to him. Then he puts his arms around me and starts caressing my back. My head is against his chest.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a while. I can feel his heavy breathing.

"Let's go make breakfast" Kai says

"Okay" I say and try to get of but then Kai pulls me back on to him.

"I said let's go make breakfast, I didn't say get off me" Kai says

Kai stands up, while carrying me. We go down stairs to the kitchen. He puts me down on the kitchen table

He starts making food. I get off and go to him. I put my hands around his body.

"What are you making" I ask curiously

"Bacon and eggs" Kai says

After we ate breakfast we went upstairs. I told I'm going go shower and he said I need to shower in his shower. So I took my clothes and now I'm in his bathroom.

I just finished showering. I rapped myself in a towel and I'm busy doing my skin care.

After I'm done I put my clothes on. A blue shirt and white shirt.

When I get out Kai takes my hand and pulls me closer to him. He puts his hand around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out. For dinner" Kai says, nervously

"Yeah sure" I smile

His face light "yay"


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