little adventure

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I wake up to the noise of my phone ringing.

I get up and go downstairs, so I don't wake up Kai.

It's an unknown number. Probably one of those spam callers

"Hello?" I say as I put my phone against my ear

"Hi Sky" I hear a friendly voice. It's almost recognizable

"Who am I speaking toq?" I ask. This voice is tinkling my brain

"Has it really been that long sweet cheeks?"

I gasp in recognition "Zane?"

"Ding, ding, ding. I've got good news" Zane says with his deep voice. It feels so calming just listening to him talk

"Okay spill" I say exited

"I'm moving back"

"Are you serious? When?"

He chuckles "I'll probably be there by tomorrow"

"Are your parents coming?" I ask

"No. They like it here" His voice is so calm

"Aw. I miss them"

"Yeah, they miss you too." Zane says then a speaker goes off in the background. I can't hear what it's saying though "well I gotta go. See you tomorrow sweet cheeks"

"See you tomorrow" I say then hang up

I'm screaming. I'm going to see Zane again. I haven't seen him since I was 12 and he was 14. I haven't seen him in 5 years. He's probably changed so much.

"Morning love" I hear Kai say behind me. I turn around

"Morning" I say with a big smile

"You look happy" Kai stretches his arms

"I am. Zane, the guy I told you about. He's coming back tomorrow"

"That's great. So is he going to go to our School?" Kai asks

"No. He's two years older than us so he's probably going to university or college or something"

"Okay. Cool. I'm going to go shower" Kai says and goes back upstairs

I follow him and go to my room to get ready.

When I'm done showering I just put my clothes on

I walk out my room and into Kai's room

"Like your pants" Kai says puts his dark blue shirt on

"Thanks" I say and sit on his bed

"No no. We're going somewhere today" Kai says and pulls me up from his bed


"It's a surprise" Kai says with his eyes wide and pulls on my cheeks "Let's go" He says then picks me up, running with me down the stairs. We get to his car and he puts me in, then he gets in the car.


30 minutes later


"We're almost there so you're going have to put this blind fold on" I say and hand Sky a black blind fold

"How am I supposed to walk if I can't see?" Sky asks confused then puts the blind fold on

"Don't worry. I'll carry you" I say as I park my car.

I get out and open the door for Sky. I put my arm under her legs and the other arm under her back. As we get closer the animals start getting louder.

"Are those chickens?" Sky asks "please can I take the blind fold off?"

I place her down carefully
"Take your blind fold off"

As she takes the blind fold off her jaw drops. I can see it in her face she loves what her eyes are seeing.

"You brought me to a farm?" Sky asks, not taking her eyes of the baby cows

"Yeah. It's ours for the whole day.. wel till 4:30"

"Thank you" she says with a genuine tone then gives me a hug "Let's go to the baby cows" She runs over at the fence where the calfs are

"Can I pet them?" She asked me with eyes I've never seen before. She looks so happy, it's adorable.

Just when I want to speak a woman a little taller then Sky, with blond hair answers her.

"Your more than welcome to pet the animals" She smiles "Hi. I'm Grace and I'll be here to guide you with the animals today."

Sky walks over to her "Nice to meet you. I'm Sky" She says with big smile on her face

"You're Kai, I'm assuming" Grace says referring to me

"Yes, I am" I don't like speaking with adults. They scare the shit out of me, and the ones that don't scare me, say I'm making them uncomfortable.

"Sky and Kai. Are you guys siblings or dating?" Grace laughs

Me and Sky look at each other awkwardly, then Sky clears her throat
"None actually. We're just really good friends" Sky chuckles

"Oh, well I hope the ship will sail one day" Grace chuckles "So it's actually feeding time for the calfs, so do you wanna feed them?"

Sky gasps "Yes. Please"

"Let's go get the bottles then"


After we fed the calfs, Sky forced me to do horse riding with her. She's on a tall black horse and I'm on medium sized brown horse with white spots

Sky laughs at me while I'm struggling to let the horse move.

"Hey. You can't laugh. It's my first time riding and you used to ride horse with your dad and Sam. It's not fair" I say as I try to get horse to move

"Yeah, but my dad wasn't even a professional"

The women who helped me get on the horse is also helping me guide the horse. Why is it moving like this? Wable. Wable. Wable. I don't like this.

As I start getting the hang of it the woman let's go.

This is going to be the death of me.

"I feel like I could be on here forever" Sky says as she kisses the horse

"They stink" I say

Sky gasps and covers the horse's ears
"You'll offend them. Don't be surprised if buttercup kills you"

I give her a confused look as to whom  buttercup is.

"The horse you're on" Sky says as if I was supposed to know who buttercup is 


When we were done with the horse riding torture we went to see pigs. Did not end well because on of the pigs bit Sky. We then went to see geese and that also didn't end well because Sky got chased by a mama goose because Sky touched one of her babies. We went to see lamas and most of them spat in our faces.

The only animals that were nice to us were the cows and donkeys. Well the goats were REALLY friendly. One of them even tried humping Sky.

We're now in my car driving back home


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