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I just woke up and for the first time I really don't want to go to school. I don't want to be there if Kai's not going to be there and when he gets back he's not even going to be in the same AP English class as me.

I go to the bathroom and head in the shower. Alot of people hate morning showers but I absolutely love Them. They just kinda calm my brain.

When I get out, I just wrap myself in towel and go down stairs to make myself coffee. I really need it today. I feel so much lazier than usual.

"Hey beautiful" Kai says as he walks down the stairs

"Why aren't you sleeping" I ask

If I didn't go to school for a week, I would completely take advantage of it. I would sleep till 9 am. Then you get Kai, who is awake at 6 am when he could be sleeping right now.

"Because you're up and I want to say good morning and I'm not letting you drive my car"

Well he didn't say good morning, he said hey.

The coffee machine just finished, so I take my coffee and head back upstairs

As I get in the bathroom I drop the towel that was around me and pick out an outfit. I take gray hoddie and denim shorts. Basic. I know.

When I'm finished putting my clothes on and finished drinking my coffee I head back down stairs and find Kai in the Kitchen on his phone.

"Ready to go?" Kai asked as he got up from the chair he was sitting on

I nod and we head out.


The rest of the week went by. It's Friday now.

I'm now getting dressed for the party.  This time I actually like what I'm wearing because it's more of my style and it's way more comfortable

When I'm done with everything, Kai and I go to the party. The whole group is already there and we head over to them

"Love your fit" I compliment Laim because he has the best fashion sense in the group

"Thank you. You look super cute too" Laim smiles

"Truth or dare!" Holden shouts

I'm honestly kinda tired of this game. It's almost like I play it everyday of my life and it's getting childish. These aren't middle school parties.

We all sit in a circle and people start asking each other truth or dare.
Then Holden asks me "Sky. Truth or dare?"

"Dare" I say without thinking

He's probably going to ask me to make out with him or something

"I dare you to lap dance on Kai" Holden smirks "It seems like you two have been getting really close lately"

"Creep" I whisper loud enough for Holden to hear what I said.

I stand go over to Kai and straddle on top of him. I start to move my hips against him. I put on of my hands around his neck and the other on his chest.

I've never done this before, so I don't really know what I'm doing.

His eyes look everywhere but me. His hands aren't even touching me. Their resting the on the couch behind him

I get off and sit next to Kai. That was absolutely horrible.

"Your turn to aks, cupcake" Holden told me.

Cupcake?? I think I might just throw up

I sigh "truth or dare?" I ask Holden

"Dare" he answers

"Kiss the girl you find most attractive" I say. It was the only thing that came up in my mind

He gets up and went to Hazel and kissed her. Hazel tried pulling away but he didn't want to.

"I said kiss, not make out" I say and put my leg on his chest, causing him to stop

"Whatever" he whispers then goes and sit at the same spot he was sitting before.

The game went on. Then we started playing spin the bottle. I don't want to kiss random people.

"Can we leave?" I whisper to Kai, who's on his phone

Everyone starts cheering. When I look over to the bottle, it's stared right at me.


"Who do I have to kiss?" I ask

"Me" Hazel said as she walked over to me

Well, it could've been worse right. Kissing your best friend? It's not that bad... I've done it once. I can do it again.

Hazel puts her hand on my cheeks and our lips touch. Her tongue slips in. It goes on for about 5 seconds then we pull away

"Now can we leave" I ask Kai

He nods. Just as he gets up one of Holden's friend say
"Nah huh your not leaving until you spin the bottle"

I don't bother to protest and I spin the bottle and of course it lands on Amelia.

"No. I'm leaving. I refuse to kiss those stinky chuna lips" I say and get up from the ground

"Aww. Are you a baby?" Amelia said to me and pointed her lips

"No. I'm not a baby, but you can call me one if it means you'll feel beter about yourself" I say and walk away.

That felt really good. I really enjoyed seeing the look on her face.

Kai follows me out the door.
Just as I want to get in his car, he snatches me away and closes his door

Then he reopens the door "Now you may enter."


We get to his house. We're in his room. I already put my pj's on.

Kai throws himself on the bed
"Come here." He says with his hands wide open

I go to him and lay on him. He puts his hands around me.

"My beautiful hot dragon" Kai say as he strokes my back with his fingers

I slowly start to fall asleep to his touch on my skin

"Goodnight love" I slightly hear from Kai


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