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Despite so often being the center of attention, Amara had an uncanny ability to disappear into thin air

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Despite so often being the center of attention, Amara had an uncanny ability to disappear into thin air. It was something that drove both her parents and Celeste mad. One minute she would be standing next to them, and the next she would be gone.

Even though everyone was staring between her and Finnick, no one seemed to notice when she slipped through the crowd and around the corner. At least, no one but him.

Finnick seemed to be the only one who noticed as she disappeared. It took a few seconds for everyone else to pick up on it, and a redhead woman was already shaking his hand by the time it happened.

"Finnick," she grinned at him like they were old friends. "Congratulations on your win. I know that Amara is very excited to meet you. We were rooting from you from the beginning."

"Thank you," he smiled with a smirk. The woman immediately went red. It seemed just looking at him was enough to send the Capitol into a frenzy. "I'm always excited to meet my biggest supporters."

"I had to pull Amara away from the screen, I swear."

This woman was so full of it that it took everything in him not to laugh. Did this charm really work on the Capitol?

"I'm actually very excited to meet her," Finnick said, and everyone immediately began fluttering around in excitement. Oh yes, they would love for the young singer to meet the victor. They were practically buzzing with excitement, as if they were going to watch a romance bloom right before their eyes.

They really were obsessed with entertainment.

He could almost see the headlines now:

"Finnick Odair: A Scorned Lover"

"Amara White Flees Party"

"The Romance Separated by Districts"

But it didn't matter because as soon as the redhead was done speaking, everyone seemed to notice that Amara wasn't standing behind her. The woman went red again, although this time it was from complete embarrassment.

"I'm sure she just went to freshen up," she lied, before taking off. Finnick thought he heard her mutter "not again," and that just made his curiosity to meet the girl grow.

He continued to be passed from person to person, shaking hands, flirting with, and easily charming every person he met. He was given more food than he knew what to do with, and when he announced he was full, a small pill was given to him.

"It's so you can throw it up and keep eating," a man with purple hair said as if it were the most obvious solution in the world.

"The bathroom is that way," the woman next to him said, and Finnick took the pill and headed in that direction, happy to escape the crowd for a brief moment.

He almost made it all the way when a hand reached out and yanked him behind a table. He fell to the ground with a grunt before he was yanked under.

No wonder the redhead couldn't find her. Amara White was hiding under a table in the far corner of the room. She poked her head out to look around and make sure no one saw before dropping the white tablecloth on top of them.

"Hi," she said quietly, plopping down next to him. Finnick, who was awkwardly crouched on his knees, lowered himself to the ground.

"Why are we hiding under the table?" he asked.

"Because I wanted to meet you," she said. "And if I have to kiss another baby's head--"

"I'm pretty sure I'm going to taste nothing but baby oil for the next month," Finnick agreed. Amara smiled a large smile, and Finnick felt comfortable for the first time all night.

"I'm Amara White," she said, holding out a hand. He took it and shook.

"Finnick Odair," he said. Wow, she was really pretty.

"I heard what Celeste said," she winced. "And I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I actually had to look up the highlights of your game last night."

So there was a Capitol socialite who wasn't obsessed with the games.

"I don't mind at all, actually," he said. "It's kind of refreshing."

He paused, staring at her.

"What?" she asked when she realized he was staring at her and trying not to laugh.

"When Caesar Flickerman announced you would be here tonight, my escort screamed. I have never seen Iris so mad as I did when she found out I didn't know who you were."

Amara grinned. That really was refreshing.

"You know everyone out there is going to speculate whether you and I are going to be together from the moment we meet, right?" she asked, and he nodded.

"Everything is a show, and it doesn't end here. You'll learn to love it, I promise, but there are times when I want to..." she struggled to find the right words.

"Hide under the table?" he asked, trying not to laugh. She shoved his shoulder slightly.

"Shut up," she laughed, "but yes. I guess I wanted to meet you on my own terms. I haven't had a conversation with someone my own age in months."

"That's sad," he said bluntly, and she rolled her eyes and punched him again.

"Thanks, hotshot. You'll get used to it, I promise."

Finnick groaned at the punch and grabbed her hand.

"If you keep punching me, I'm going to think I'm in the games again. Don't you know how to make friends?"

Amara laughed and shook her head.

"I don't have a clue," she admitted, and he had to bite back a snicker when feet showed up at their table.

"Did you see what Cherry was wearing?" a man asked. "Clearly her stylist needs to be fired. Red was so last season. Doesn't she know that Finnick's color is blue? It's all the rage now."

"I know," a woman sighed. "I'm going to fire mine soon if she can't get my order in. I ordered it a week ago and it still isn't in. Honestly, you would think we were asking for the impossible."

"Right?" she asked. "How hard is it to remake a wardrobe?"

Finnick and Amara waited until the two left before laughing loudly. This time, they didn't even care if someone heard them.

"Do they have anything better to talk about than each other?" Finnick asked, and Amara shook her head.

"No! I swear all they do is sit around gossiping until the games start."

"Or you perform," Finnick added.

"The two big events of the year," she laughed.

"Amara!" they heard Celeste call out. Amara groaned and leaned against the table leg.

"I think I may give that woman a heart attack some day," she mused. Finnick poked his head out from under the table to see her rampage toward the restrooms.

"Now is your chance," he said, but when he turned around, she was already gone.

The Heiress {Finnick Odair}Where stories live. Discover now