Power of Propaganda

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Coin glanced up when Finnick walked into the room

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Coin glanced up when Finnick walked into the room. She tentatively placed the document she was reviewing down and gestured for him to take a seat across from her.

"Madam President," he said respectfully, and Coin smiled softly.

"I understand you've been through a great deal, Mr. Odair, and I want you to know that you are safe here in District Thirteen."

Finnick stared at her suspiciously. "You'll forgive me if I'm not feeling overly confident in that promise."

"It's what the Capitol told you after you won your games. I understand," Coin said, and Finnick felt a little more comfortable. She stood up and poured him a glass of water. "How have you been settling in?"

"I was discharged from the hospital this morning," he said. "They put me with Adrien."

Coin nodded and sat back down, placing the water in front of him. "As I'm sure you're aware, every person in District Thirteen fulfills an important roll that helps everyone else thrive."

"I don't know what I want to do." Coin looked surprised at that, as if what he wanted wasn't even something she'd considered asking him.

"I'm placing you with Katniss' propo team. I want her to have someone she trusts with her, and having another victor will help reach the districts on a wider scale."

"I'm willing to support this cause," Finnick interjected, "but I'm asking you not to put me in front of the camera. I've been watched my entire life, and I would like some peace from it for awhile."

Coin studied him, weighing the possibilities. Then, she pulled out another file.

"My late husband was in charge of running the new trainees program. I'm sure you heard about how the pox wiped out most of our children."

"I heard about your husband and daughter," he said. "My condolences."

"In light of the developments with the Mockingjay, I want everyone over the age of thirteen to be trained in weapon maneuvers. I'm told you have experience in this field, and I want you to run the program."

She held out a folder, and he took it, glancing through the first few pages about the best ways to engage children in combat. He internally winced at the thought of children going to war, but nodded anyway. If she was sending them, he might as well make sure they were prepared.

"Yes, Madam President."


The first attempt at a propaganda was a complete flop. In fact, as  Katniss watched the video play back, she wanted to hide her face  completely.

There was no way that she was going to pull any of this off. She still wasn't sure the right words would come to her when she was standing in District Eight, which is where Boggs was leading her.

The Heiress {Finnick Odair}Where stories live. Discover now