The Beginning of a Revolution

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Finnick let himself rest for a few more hours before he walked into the main chamber of the ship to talk strategy

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Finnick let himself rest for a few more hours before he walked into the main chamber of the ship to talk strategy. If Amara was going to be the mole from the inside, he was going to do everything possible to win this war and get her out.

"What's the plan?" He asked Plutarch.

"We're currently flying to District Thirteen to meet President Coin. Your biggest role from here is to support the Mockingjay. She isn't going to trust very many people but she will trust you. You kept her alive in that arena, and a victor helping the revolution will go a long way."

Finnick nodded. "Has anyone told her about Peeta?"

Plutarch shook his head. "She hasn't woken up yet."

"She isn't going to be happy when she finds out about the boy," Haymitch said, clearly not happy they couldn't get him out.

"You should tell her when--" Finnick started, but was cut off as the door flew open. Katniss stared at all of them and they stared right back, waiting for her to make a move.

"Morning, sweetheart," Haymitch said, and Finnick watched the murderous expression that crossed her eye before she attacked them just like he did. Finnick couldn't even be mad. He knew exactly what she was thinking.

"What are you doing with them?" she screamed at him, and Finnick wanted to laugh. No wonder she was angry- he thought they were all still working with the Capitol.

"You and a syringe against the Capitol? See this is why no one lets you make the plans," Haymitch said as he yanked the needle out of her grasp.

She made eye-contact with Finnick, and he understood her pain.

"What are you doing in here?" she yelled at him, and he held out a hand.

"Stop, stop," he interjected before she could attack again, and from the look in her eye, he knew she was ready to. "Listen."

"We couldn't tell you with Snow watching. It was too risky. Better for you to know nothing." She grunted and shoved him away from her.

"Where's Peeta?" she asked immediately.

"Katniss, you have been our mission since the beginning," Plutarch explained like she was a child. "Half the tributes were in on it. This is the revolution, and you are the Mockingjay, and we are on our way to District Thirteen right now."

"Thirteen?" she asked in disbelief. Finnick didn't blame her.

"Thirteen, yes," he confirmed.

"Where's Peeta?" she asked again.

Finnick turned away and put his face in his hands again. He wasn't sure if he could watch this.

"He still has his tracker in his arm. Johanna cut yours out."

"Where is he?" she asked. Haymitch sighed.

"In the Capitol. They got him and Johanna."

Finnick saw her face contort with rage as she launched herself on Haymitch again. She started cursing at him, screaming about promises he made. Before she could do too much damage, Plutarch stuck a needle in her back, effectively knocking her out.

The Heiress {Finnick Odair}Where stories live. Discover now