Beginning of Everything

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President Alma Coin sat at her desk

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President Alma Coin sat at her desk. The only sound that could be heard inside the small office was the constant tapping of her pen.




Her second-in-command, Colonel Boggs, poked his head in, and watched as the pen hit her desk over and over again. President Coin didn't seem to notice that he was watching her. She was so deep in thought that a bomb could go off, and he wasn't sure she would look up.

"Madam President," he said as he stepped into the room. The pen halted, and she blinked, swiveling around to look at him.

"Boggs," she greeted, and put the pen down. "Do you have a report?"

"It's here."

Coin shot up out of her seat and the two walked quickly to the hanger. She let out a gasp as she turned around to look at it all. They had been slowly amassing an arsonal over the last few decades, but they'd never had a more generous donor than the Heiress.

Sitting in front of the President were four large hovercrafts. It was the biggest purchase they'd made in nearly five decades.

"We owe the Heiress a lot," Boggs said as the two walked onto the closest one. For the last four years, the Heiress had been giving money to District Thirteen, and even Coin, who didn't like being indebted to anyone, admired her greatly for it. "Do you ever wonder who she is?"

But Coin was shaking her head. "If I get the chance to meet her, I'll kiss the ground she walks on for everything she's done for us. For now, it's better that we don't know."

"And what of our symbol?" he asked. "Couldn't she fill that role?"

"Behind the mask of the Heiress, she's just a rich woman. No, we need someone who can inspire change. The Heiress is highly valued, but she doesn't carry the same weight and influence."

"She chooses the winners of the games."

"Yes, and she's started to take away their fun. The districts are ready for a rebellion. All we need is for her to pick someone inspiring."

"What about Katniss Everdeen?"

Coin paused. The reaping for the 74th Hunger Games had been that morning, and she'd analyzed the tributes accordingly. She couldn't remember the last time they'd gotten a volunteer from an outer district.

But Coin didn't want Katniss. She had fire, that was for sure, but flame was a bit too hard to control.


"I'll be back before you know it," Finnick said, and he wrapped his arms around Annie. Her engagement ring still glinted on her finger, but no other ring had accompanied it.

He glanced over his shoulder at his tributes. They were young and scared looking. In the last four years, Snow had never given them their ability to volunteer back. District Four hadn't had a winner since Annie. These two tributes would be the seventh and eighth tributes he would send to die.

Reaping days were always the worst days for Annie. She was having mostly good days, but it had taken a very long time for her to get to where she was now.

"Give Amara a hug for me," she said, and Finnick nodded.

Though she hated it, Annie tried to go to the Capitol to visit Amara once a year. The two tended to lock themselves in her apartment. Those were the days that Annie felt the most human. Most people treated her like she was mad, but Amara never did.

Amara would talk to her about her frustrations with her manager, about her writers block with her music, and even about the dates she went on. Annie always brought small glass necklaces for Amara, and she treasured every single one.

What Annie could never do was go back during the games. Everything about the games reminded her too much of Jack.

Adrien didn't go back either. He and Annie didn't watch the games. Instead, they tried to live their lives like normal people. Finnick always came home, and he would give them updates on Amara and the other victors, but never the games.

They didn't speak about the games.

The one connection the two still had to the games was that they all continued to go out and fight. While she thought it was barbaric when she first saw them do it all those years ago, she understood now. She understood why they felt the need to get out so much anger and frustration.

When they first invited her to join them, she was hesitant, but the more she was able to master her form and hone her skills, the more good days she had. There were times when she could go days, and sometimes even weeks without an incident.

But reaping days were never those days.

"Take care of yourself," Adrien said as he pulled Finnick in for a hug. Finnick smirked and held out his hands.

"The Capitol isn't ready for all of this," he said. Adrien and Annie rolled their eyes, but laughed. Finnick had become more flirty with everyone in the last few years.

Just not Amara.


"Did you see the District Twelve reaping?" Amara asked the moment he stepped into her apartment. Jade was walking around her, making last minute alterations to her dress for the celebrations that evening, but Amara was focused only on the screen in front of her.

"Katniss Everdeen," Finnick said as he watched her volunteer for her sister. It seemed that it was the biggest conversation point in months. The Capitol finally had someone to root for, and they were excited.

"Can you imagine? Having to volunteer for your baby sister like that?"

Amara stepped down from the stand when Jade stood up, walked around her one last time and announced she was done.

"I would volunteer for you," Jade said, and Amara melted.

"I would volunteer for you too," she gushed. Finnick raised a hand.

"Would either of you volunteer for me?" he asked.

"No," they both said in unison. Finnick rolled his eyes and pouted. Amara laughed and walked over to him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"It's good to see you again, Finnick," she said.

"Annie and Adrien say hi," he said as he released her. She padded around the room to the kitchen.

"How is she?"

"Absolutely not!" Jade yelled, and Amara jumped.

"But I'm hungry!" she protested.

"I don't care. You're wearing white. Nothing that stains can come anywhere near you until you get back."


"You can eat when you're dead," Jade said. "Now, c'mon, we're late. And Finnick has people he needs to see. Ezra was looking for him, in case you forgot."

Amara had forgotten. "I'm pretty sure that's not how that saying goes."

But Jade was pushing Amara out the door. He faintly heard her shout goodbye before she was gone. Finnick chuckled and poked his head in the door to toss his bag on the bed.

He walked out into the living room and turned the volume on the TV up to see Caesar and Claudius talking about Katniss again.

Something about this year felt different. He wasn't sure what it was, but he had a gut feeling that something big was about to happen.

The Heiress {Finnick Odair}Where stories live. Discover now