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After spending time with my parents,we came out.I saw my husband and his wife in the hall with worried faces.

Kareem:how are you?
Ali: don't act like you care,I get that you wanted another wife but you could have atleast told her.
Kareem:it was so sudden,I didn't mean..
Mariam:save us the details,you hurt our daughter, she will be staying over with us for a while,it is not up for discussion.

Kareem:ok but please let me talk to her.
Amira: father,I will be fine.
Mariam:we are outside dear.
(They left.)
Kareem: please hear me out.for old time sake.

Amira:(I chuckled darkly) 5 mins .
Kareem:Dear,I met Asia in the night,she was being harrassed by some men,I saved her and brought her here,but she was being harrassed by the people of our society,we were charged with adultery because I sheltered a helpless woman.

Asia was going to be punished harshly and thrown out,I was forced to marry her to save her honour.This is temporary until we find her family.

Asia:He is right,I am not here to steal your husband.Trust me.

(Wow,he did this to help her but why does it still hurt,he did a good deed so why)
Kareem: darling.
Amira:you did good but am still hurt,I need time.(I walked off.)

Kareem's POV
Days passed and I didn't hear from Amira,my heart broke when she cried.She always belittled herself ever since trauma of being raped.

It was up to me to take care of her, and help her to love herself.She at a point thought I was with her out of pity .

She has really suffered and I have now added to it.What more could she take, she was so fragile.All she craved of was to be loved.

Asia touched my arm.After taking her in that night, I felt a connection but I wasn't going to let that ruin my happy marriage with Amira.

Asia: this is all my fault.
Kareem:no it's not.
Asia:yes it is,if it wasn't for me,you would be happy with your wife.
Kareem: it's not your fault,it due to circumstances.I will make sure to make my Amira Happy.

Do you recall where your family could be?
Asia:no,All I remembered was the car accident,I watched my husband die, and that was it,I blacked out.Part of my memory is gone, because of the accident.I don't know what to do.

(She became stressed.I held her by the shoulders.She calmed down and stared into my eyes.Those eyes pierced my heart.We both stood staring at each other, feeling the connection.I took my hands off.)

Kareem:am sorry.
Asia: it's ok.
Kareem:we will find your family.
Asia: and you will be reunited with your wife.I will help you .
(She smiled so brightly.)

Weeks later,Asia and I planned for Amira's arrival.We came together with ideas on how I could win her back,but o didn't realize that in the process I fell in love with Asia.

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Where stories live. Discover now