Asia and kabir's love story 2

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Third person's POV.
Asia: offcourse I will marry you.

Both stared lovingly at each other.The young lovers snuck off to a mosque,Malik kabir's younger brother helped them as a witness.

They lied about their age and got married.They came back to the mansion holding hands .

Hasana:why are you holding hands with her?
Kabir; because she is my wife.
Luke: what?
Kabir:since,you won't adopt her,I have Married her.She is now apart of our family,the right way .

Luke:son what have you done,you dare marry someone of  a low status.
Kabir:you have just showed your true colors.
Luke:yes, and I don't give a darmn about it.we will not accept a low class girl into our family.

Kabir:that low class girl is my wife and you will respect her.Asia isn't any girl,we all know her,I grew up with her.She knows our traditions and is very trustworthy
Hasana: that doesn't matter to us, because she is a maid and a farmer's daughter,an orphan.

Kabir:you two call yourselves  Muslims yet you discriminate amongst yourselves.I admit that am wrong,I shouldn't have gotten close to her,so I have made it right.She is my wife now and I can be with her without sinning.So wether you like it or not, she is my wife.If you love me,you will accept her .

He took Asia away,Asia couldn't help but cry he held her  .
Kabir: it's not your fault
Asia: offcourse it is.I ruined your relationship with your parents.Am sorry.

Kabir:no,if they love me,they will understand me.(he hugged her.)

Days passed and things were sour in the mansion.Asia got the worst treatment.She felt like an outsider.

The next day,Kabir was set to go abroad.Asia and Kabir finally consummated their marriage, the night before.

Kabir finally left for abroad, leaving Asia in the hands of his cruel family.But Kabir made Malik promise to take care of her, and he did just that.

Kabir had a small business which he used to fund Asia's education.Asia furthered her education.She studied to become a teacher and a future professor .

It wasn't easy for Asia's schooling,her in-laws didn't hire a maid and made Asia do all the work.They taunted her and told her that it was her talent to  clean

Asia didn't complain and did as she was told . Malik however decided to help her, which didn't sit well with the family, causing them to hire a maid.

Whenever they had family meetings,they excluded Asia,so Malik excluded himself.Malik was true to his words and protected Asia .

7 years had finally passed,Kabir came home,but there was a huge problem ,He came home in a wheelchair.

He had a plane accident which led him in the wheelchair , They were people who had come over with their daughters with hopes of marrying the rich lawyer but since he was crippled, people sneakily left the mansion.

Asia stood by him but there was one issue,he didn't remember their marriage,to his family's happiness .

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