He has another wife/she has another husband

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Kabir's POV
I just came home from seeing Asia,we were had started initiating a divorce.In Islam, divorce is verbal

The man initiates it by saying he wants to divorce his wife,then the couple stay together for three months in hopes for reconciliation.If there isn't reconciliation after staying together,they part ways.

The woman can also ask for a divorce by returning the dowry given to her by her husband during the process of marriage, the husband then has to divorce her ,if he refused, she can take him to court.

I never want Amira to divorce me,that is why I have initiated divorce with Asia,I love Asia with all my heart but I have to let her go for my love for Amira  .

I don't love Asia any less but the situation we are in has forced me to do this,if I was that selfish,I would want to have them both.But am not selfish,I care about both their feelings.

I came home only to find Amira crying.

Kabir: Amira
(She threw a photo frame at my feet.It shattered,I picked up to see that it was my marriage photo with Asia)

Oh no.
Amira:you have been lying to me this whole time!
Kabir: please Amira.
Amira:no!, first Kabir, now you.Is this woman a magnet for the men in my life.We are going to their house right now !

The ride to Kareem's house was deadly silent,Amira was silently sobbing.It broke my heart to see her like this.I put her through the same pain Kareem put her in.

I promised not to do that but here she is crying because of me.
We reached the house and entered.
Amira:Asia!(Kareem and Asia rushed out.Before Asia could utter a word,Amira slapped her)

Kareem: Amira, what is this?
Amira:ask your wife,or better yet,ask his wife.
Kareem: what do you mean?
Amira: Kabir and Amira are secretly Married and have been seeing each other.

Kareem stood shocked as tears came down both Asia and Amira's faces.I hurt the two women I love.
Asia:I didn't mean for this.
Amira:you never mean for anything yet here we are! First Kareem and now Kabir! What wrong have I done to you!

Kabir: it's not her fault Amira, it's mine.
(She turned to me)
Amira: offcourse it's yours.You had another wife yet you chose to marry me,why are you so selfish?you know I think am getting punished for not accepting polygamy, that's why this is happening to me.

Kabir:no dear.please let us explain.
Kareem: explain what?
Asia: Kareem
Kareem: that's why you were emotional at their nikah.Why didn't you tell me?

Asia:am sorry.(Kareem looked so heartbrokened.he came to Amira)
Kareem:I can't believe I made you go through such a pain, Amira.am so sorry.

Amira:I already moved on from the pain but as for you Kabir,you knew that I have been through something like this yet you chose to betray me,let me ask,is this the reason why you ran off during our wedding?

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Where stories live. Discover now