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Kabir's POV

Kabir:that was my brother.
Amira:I could tell,you guys look alike.So what do you think of the dessert?
Kabir: it's Amazing dear,I tried the cookies.
Amira: only cookies? come on.

She yanked me over to the dessert table and stuffed my face with delicious dessert.I nearly choked, she realized and started rubbing my back, she got me water.

She looked so cute as she stared wide eyed at me, checking if I was alright.
Kabir:am fine dear.
Amira:thank goodness.
(I couldn't help but laugh)
Amira: it's not funny,I could have lost you.

Tears filled her eyes.She had become emotional.I stiffened seeing this.She looked down as the tears flew.I held her face.
Kabir: please don't cry, am sorry.
Amira: am just so scared that you will leave me.

Kabir:I will never leave you Amira, never.
Amira:am sorry that I find it hard to trust you.
Kabir: it's very understandable, take all the time you need dear.Even if it's a hundred years,I will wait.I just want to marry you and give you all the happiness in the world.

She hugged me,I held her.I didn't notice both our parents looking at us with disapproving looks.This was wrong,she was a Married woman,but I couldn't help it.

After the wedding,I decided to drive Amira ,her parents and ria home since Amira left her car with Kareem.She deemed it as his.

Malik wanted to join us because of ria,it was funny how my mother dragged him by the ear.We all laughed especially ria.

We reached their house.Surprisingly her parents let me in,on the condition that ria was with us.Ria was Amira's cousin.

She laid on Amira's bed and read a book as Amira and I sat by the window staring at the stars.

Kabir: beautiful.
Amira:I know right,these stars..
Kabir:I meant you.

She started blushing.I couldn't help but lean in.She also leaned in.We kissed.Her father and his age mate walked in.We quickly pulled away.

Amira: father (Her father stood dissapointed)
Wahab:you are such a vile woman! You are having An affair.You prostitute!

Ali: enough! Leave my house!(my mom came in)
Aisha: what's wrong?
Wahab: your daughter here is having an affair while Married to my son!

Amira:we are in the process of divorce, mother I..(Her mother slapped her)
Kabir:hey!(I stood infront of her) hit me instead,I kissed a Married woman, punish me instead.I did wrong .

Wahab:you are all despicable,we shall meet in court.(he left .)
Aisha:ria you had one job to do.
Ria:am so sorry aunt.
Amira: it's not her fault, it's mine.
Ali:am dissapointed in you both.
(He walked off.My mom followed)

Amira:you should leave.
Kabir:Amira I ..
Amira: trust me, okay?
I noded and left.What have I done.I needed to fix this.

I shouldn't have kissed her, what was I thinking.I can't help myself being so close to her.She is still a Married woman, she is technically off limits.Even if she was single, she would still be off limits,unless I marry her.

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Where stories live. Discover now