flashback (kicked out of the house)

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Asia's POV
Today was Kabir's marraige.He had finally learnt to walk.He looked so handsome in his attire.This was a bittersweet moment for me.

I was approached by his parents.
Hasana:what are you standing here for? can't you see,there is work to do?

Malik came in.
Malik: come on mother, she is not a maid.
Luke: nobody said that . There is alot of work to do
Malik:then let the maids handle it.why does she have to do all this work.

Hasana:you are right, she needs to be relaxed and enjoy her husband's second marriage.
Malik:this is a bad idea,he doesn't remember Asia as his wife, like he wouldn't have Married Samira.

Luke:nobody forced him to do this ,he decided this.
Malik: that is because he doesn't remember her.He will soon.
Hasana: offcourse,after all he can marry more than one,so I don't get what's wrong with him marrying Samira.

Malik: that's because he loves Asia.
Luke:no he is just confused.He loves her as a sister, and his sister needs to be with him.

Asia:am not his sister!
They all stood stunned.
Luke:what did you say?
Asia:I am his wife , father in law.
Luke:you dare call me that ,you low life

Asia:I am not a low life,I am your daughter in law, and that won't change once my husband gets remarried,I will still be his wife,his first wife.There is nothing you can do about it.

Hasana: really,we shall see,I will get you divorced from him in a matter of three months,you wait and see.
Asia:we will see.

She walked off, having enough.she was of tired of being treated like This.All she wanted is to be loved.

An hour later, the bride was ready.She wore a vile.Everyone sat at their rightful places as the ceremony began.

During the ceremony, hasana and lukeman's smile turned upside down when they recognized the bride's voice but it was too late.

Malik was smiling widely as Kabir took the Vail off only to see,Asia.He froze.They all froze.There was commotion.

Kabir got up angrily.he took Asia to their room.
Kabir:how could you!
Asia:let me explain.
Kabir:explain what! where is  Samira!

Asia:she is gone.
Kabir:what did you do to her?
Asia:I didn't do anything to her.
Kabir:then why did she leave? And why did you take her place!I told you you are just like my sister!but you went ahead and betrayed me!why didn't you tell me that she left,instead of taking her place!

Asia:I didn't want you to face such a humiliation.
Kabir:that humiliation is better than being married to you.

Asia froze.
Kabir:I hate you Asia ,she left me and you chose to betray me.My own best friend.get out.

He grabbed her hand and dragged her out to where hasana and lukeman where begging the few guests.

Kabir threw Her out of the house.
Kabir:I divorce you.

He said with so much anger and pain.He closed the main gates as Asia sat on the floor crying.

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon