1 YEARIVERSARY!!! (January 9, 2024)

3 1 14

I woke up at 6:40 AM from my alarms.

Day 3, first was physics. We did just exercises and stuff.

Next was an English double, we just talked about stuff relating to the exam tomorrow, things to remember and all that! Ms C said that I'd be fine though, and she'd be surprised if I didn't get a 5/5 :0

Then we had a media double, Raph finished his website about Newtigan (Ms C's newt), it was basically a joke but he's gonna submit it xD Then we were looking through our old schools' (we never went to the same school before this year) Facebook posts to find ourselves, and in one of them he pointed out O, and so I found out that he's trans! I never knew, he passes really well and it makes me feel more comfortable that there's someone lgbtq+ that's accepted in the class :3

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 4 minutes, having a good time! I was just enjoying my time coobin :3 Nearer the end, a lot of people were sharing their adorable pets in #pet-pics! It was great x3 I raided FrankTedesco.

After supper, I talked to Saturn andddddd IT'S OUR OFFICIAL 1 YEARIVERSARY AND OMGOSH ZNUZGA AKZOZOA AZoauavladdh wa IT'S INCREDIBLE!! WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR A YEAR NOW, IT'S SO CRAZY TO THINK ABOUT AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO BE THE BOYFRIEND OF THE MOST AMAZING BOYFRIEND ON EARTH >:3 💙💙💙💙 We went on a call and had a good time :3 Just talking and hanging out, being loverboys :> 💙 We changed our pfps to these 2 adorable cats cuddling 🥺🥺🥺 But yah, xe's just the most amazing thing to happen to me! :3 😽😽😽💙

It is now 1:11 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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